This year the N8 Research Partnership are celebrating 15 years of research, innovation and training excellence bringing benefits to the economy and society in the North of England and beyond.
Founded in 2006, through the incorporation of N8 Ltd, the N8 Research Partnership is the strategic research alliance of the eight most research intensive universities in the North of England. The N8 has provided a means for our members to speak with one voice on policy issues related to research and innovation in our region and to share both resources and risk to develop collaborations around their research strengths.
We have championed new ways of working in the sector, helping to shape policy in equipment sharing, efficiency and the economic contributions of the N8 universities to the Northern Powerhouse.
Over the coming weeks we will be celebrating the significant achievements and impact of the N8 Research Partnership, as well as looking forward to what the next 15 years of collaborative research in the north may bring.
We will update this page with all of the campaign strands, building up a central repository over the course of the campaign. You can simply scroll through them below, or jump to one of the sections here:
- N8 Research – 15 Year Anniversary
- N8 Policing Research Partnership
- N8 Computationally Intensive Research
- N8 International
- N8 Postdocs
- N8 Industry Innovation Forum
- N8 North Innovation Women
- N8 Technicians
- N8 Cultural Assets
- N8 Lifesavers and Covid Response
- N8 DecarboN8
- N8 Net Zero North
- N8 AgriFood
- N8 Equipment Sharing
- The Future of N8
Tweet us at @N8Research to share your stories and successes.
N8 Research – 15 Year Anniversary
We’re celebrating the 15th anniversary of the N8 Research Partnership by showcasing some of the great work carried out by the N8 Universities over the past 15 years, as well as looking at what the future may hold. #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/azPSWuKHfP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 23, 2021
Fifteen years ago Tony Blair was Prime Minister and smartphones were in their infancy. Although many things have changed over the past fifteen years, our vision remains unchanged. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/pdWVPrTNAZ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 23, 2021
N8 universities continue to bring huge financial benefits to the North of England. We aim to help this continue for the next fifteen years. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/ranAWCM3l0
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 23, 2021
N8 university activities are of vital importance to future innovation-led economic growth of the region. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/T6YkKr7Gzy pic.twitter.com/QvWCOtQjtn
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 24, 2021
The world class capabilities of the N8 universities are brought together for powerful collaborations across the North of England and beyond. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/Gl5iCCn620
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 24, 2021
After a decade and a half of research, collaboration and innovation, the N8 Research Partnership is celebrating its 15th anniversary. We invite you to reflect on your own experiences, relationships and involvement using the hashtag #N8Fifteen. https://t.co/EuS92EIS9O
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 24, 2021
N8 universities are closely identified with their host cities and play a vital role in supporting and regenerating the regional economy. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/ax73FysSfJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 25, 2021
I'm excited to read some stories about @N8research collaboration during #N8fifteen. @PolicyN8AgFood @N8CIR @N8_CSIP @NetZeroNorth @N8PRP @LancasterUniRES @GlobalFoodLeeds https://t.co/fSlReSRrUW
— Dr Annette Bramley (@AnnetteB_N8) August 25, 2021
The N8 universities convert their world-class research expertise and breakthrough technologies into new and growing businesses. #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/ePfltK7xad
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 25, 2021
As part of our #N8Fifteen celebrations, we sat down with Colin Bain, @Durham_Uni’s Vice-Provost for Research, to discuss N8's achievements and their role in forging the North's future. Read the full Q&A on our website: https://t.co/x7nVncpo44
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 25, 2021
The eight N8 universities serve as an integral part of the fabric of their regional business communities. They support and deliver thousands of new collaborative research partnerships with Northern and national businesses. #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/ssQss2CcD3
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 26, 2021
N8 universities convert their world-class research expertise and breakthrough technologies into new and growing businesses. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFb6oT7 pic.twitter.com/cX9TkF53LR
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 26, 2021
Continuing the #N8Fifteen celebrations, today's Q&A is with Nicole Westmarland, professor of criminology at @Durham_Uni and co-lead for @N8PRP. Her most recent research project focuses on perpetrators of violence and abuse. Read more here: https://t.co/I908R06OXJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 26, 2021
Collectively, the N8 universities attract more than £1.26 billion of research income per annum and employ over 18,000 academic staff, forming the largest research-pooling partnership ever undertaken in the UK. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/M9jIE7VTqu pic.twitter.com/UcqJejbEkL
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 27, 2021
There are many @N8research campaigns through which I’ve gained new information or connections:
> The many inspiring women with whom I connected via #NorthInnovationWomen
> The annual celebration & recognition of the sterling #N8Postdocs talent in the North of England#N8Fifteen https://t.co/AzJUWGK379— Dr Saneeya Qureshi, MBA, SFHEA (@SaneeyaQ) August 26, 2021
If the North were a country it would have the 10th largest economy in Europe and the N8 universities make a significant contribution to this economy through their business activities and research outputs. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/LkKplGDaf9 pic.twitter.com/UpOGxDNSfK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 27, 2021
N8 Policing Research Partnership
N8 PRP works to transform how research evidence is co-produced and used in policing by harnessing skills, capabilities and resources of universities and police forces across the North to create meaningful change in frontline policing. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/gQTZkaoUZW pic.twitter.com/RsaoAo0Us8
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 30, 2021
As part of our 15th anniversary celebrations, we sat down with Professor @Geoff_Pearson, the academic director of the @N8PRP, to discuss the partnership’s role in policing, and what the future of policing research might look like. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/5UywWVAYkg
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 30, 2021
The @N8PRP is a platform for collaboration between universities, police forces, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), government and other partners working in policing policy, governance and practice. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/dZaZF8wn3n pic.twitter.com/HODd4pNPc1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 30, 2021
Chief Superintendent Ngaire Waine, Head of Criminal Justice at Merseyside Police, has 26 years’ policing experience and was appointed as the new Policing Co-Director of the @N8PRP in 2020. Read about her appointment: #N8Fifteen https://t.co/2ZH4gAf2QX pic.twitter.com/iUqGqPV1T1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 30, 2021
From their extremely popular small grants scheme to data sharing, staff exchanges and PhD studentships, the themes addressed by the N8 PRP are significant and timely, including Organised Crime Groups, modern slavery and coercive control. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/dZaZF8wn3n pic.twitter.com/U0FV70MM4k
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 31, 2021
“The aspiration of the N8 PRP is to work with policing partners to transform the way research evidence is co-produced and used.” – Dr Annette Bramley, Director of the N8 Research Partnership. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/gMlO5pXBSM pic.twitter.com/1yD3GhUS91
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) August 31, 2021
With themes ranging Harm Reduction Units to Fraud Prevention, the annual Policing Innovation Forum brings together academics, police and a range of inspiring community organisations seeking to bring new and innovative perspectives to policing. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/gQTZkaoUZW pic.twitter.com/PKJfZe6zf0
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 1, 2021
Cleveland Police recently joined the 11 other forces in the North of England to become a partner of the N8 Policing Research Partnership. Read more about their involvement here: #N8Fifteen @N8PRP https://t.co/oNjJ2vX713 pic.twitter.com/3PL83eeLXP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 1, 2021
The @N8PRP creates a platform where police and academics engage critically and constructively, facilitating new collaborative relationships and widening access to evidence-based innovations. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/Gcpm4fxgHo
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 2, 2021
The @N8PRP Small Grants Awards provide pump-priming funds to support timely research into important areas of police work where the benefits are of greatest value, including managing the unique challenges presented by Covid-19. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/0viXLklU6M pic.twitter.com/TnGLiLk85l
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 2, 2021
The @N8PRP helps provide access to a significant concentration of research and expertise to support the development of evidence-based policing and researchers in applying their work in the real world. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/gQTZkaoUZW pic.twitter.com/Cwmw0NGO0t
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 3, 2021
The @N8PRP has secured funding until Sept 2024. The renewed support will enable them to remain at the vanguard of modern policing by exploring how forces can adapt to societal changes to deliver safety, prevent crime and protect the vulnerable. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/2ZwleQdb4y pic.twitter.com/POxIa9naj9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 3, 2021
Since its launch in December 2013, @N8PRP has driven invaluable collaborative work between academics and the police. From hosting innovation forums to securing grants, head to our website to learn more #N8Fifteen https://t.co/YDHJyKG6i9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 3, 2021
As part of our 15th anniversary celebrations, we discussed the success of the @N8PRP and the value of their Small Grants Scheme with Professor Geoff Pearson. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/jiGIEeZ9Pb
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 3, 2021
N8 Computationally Intensive Research
This week in our celebration of 15 years of @N8research we are 🙌@N8CIR, our centre of excellence in computationally intensive research, and Bede, the Tier2 HPC facility funded by @EPSRC and @N8research . #N8fifteen https://t.co/DpDfK3aEEe
— Dr Annette Bramley (@AnnetteB_N8) September 6, 2021
The N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (@N8CIR) was established to foster excellence in CIR methods, skills and facilities to reinforce the N8 Universities’ strategic research objectives. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/bmIbQM6YQz pic.twitter.com/UoOEpqDQDX
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 6, 2021
The Bede supercomputer is available to researchers across the N8 Research Partnership to help accelerate research and scientific discovery. @N8CIR #N8Fifteen https://t.co/dMaM2nOD58 pic.twitter.com/DWoWImakHx
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 6, 2021
If you're a researcher thinking about using #BedeHPC in your work, you can find out more at: https://t.co/wACQfeUYDy
The page includes technical information, an overview of the available RSE support and details of how to apply for access. https://t.co/bzWbkGbPIS
— N8 CIR (@N8CIR) September 7, 2021
The @N8CIR aims to provide a competitive edge to the N8 universities and support enhanced performance, accelerating advancement in areas of research that are of strategic significance. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/bmIbQM6YQz pic.twitter.com/lklH7FgqYD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 7, 2021
The @N8CIR offers researchers a distinct advantage, extending the boundaries of the possible. This also includes positioning N8 to leverage future funding for CIR. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/tTJhcD7oft pic.twitter.com/aJKFuPLr5s
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 8, 2021
Since its launch last year, the Bede supercomputer has supported a wide range of projects, in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and energy storage. #N8Fifteen Click here to view the full infographic: https://t.co/oPbc9yq7fW pic.twitter.com/Urwk5Qfpi1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 8, 2021
The Director of @N8CIR, Professor Matt Probert, shared his thoughts on how computationally intensive research is arming researchers and scientists with a competitive edge. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/d2VGM4lAOe pic.twitter.com/MoN878SdiR
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 8, 2021
Roadmaps have been developed by the Digital Health and Digital Humanities communities across the N8, identifying key opportunities where @N8CIR could help to accelerate progress within the themes, including skills requirements for researchers. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/bmIbQM6YQz pic.twitter.com/VD4PgAKfNN
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 9, 2021
To mark the N8’s 15th anniversary, Dr Marion Weinzierl, @N8CIR research software engineering theme leader explores what she’d like the world of high performance computing to look like in 15 years’ time. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/gS5kCNv3Ug
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 9, 2021
The @N8CIR £3.8m supercomputer supports projects in areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), energy storage and supply and therapeutic drug design. #N8Fifteen #BedeHPC https://t.co/HUJLOF3o7D pic.twitter.com/OoZeUYkYAM
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 9, 2021
Launched in November 2020, the @N8CIR Research Data Management Network brings together RDM professionals from across the N8 to identify and develop best practice and share this with the wider research community. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/8cPFHRfw20 pic.twitter.com/WnM6LqfBc3
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 10, 2021
N8 International
Our 15th Anniversary celebrations continue. This week we will be celebrating the international reach of the N8 universities, boosting their global networks and improving millions of lives globally. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/ryKm6nmVa1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 13, 2021
The N8 has provided a means for its members to develop national and international collaborations around their research strengths. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/8BesbzMKNt
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 13, 2021
The N8 Research Partnership has been shortlisted for ‘International Collaboration of the Year’ as part of the Times Higher Education Awards.https://t.co/QtSdukNlnm
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 13, 2021
A University of Leeds-led international team studied the impact of record heat and drought on over 100 different tropical rainforests across six African countries, in conjunction with Yaoundé I University in Cameroon. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/kbAdCMZpZM pic.twitter.com/mjyCxSTP2w
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 14, 2021
Durham University’s researchers are helping to build some of the world’s most powerful new telescopes to further the exploration of space, as part of major international collaborations. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/THYuDL7W4y pic.twitter.com/gwyVHkCwvd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 14, 2021
An international study led by Lancaster University, ZSL’s Institute of Zoology and the University of Miami revealed that tiger sharks appear to choose and form social groups – a contrast to previous understanding. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/X6YqcsR2e0 pic.twitter.com/O98VEKTR4w
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 15, 2021
The University of Liverpool were awarded the Wellcome Trust Joint Award to develop their groundbreaking work based at Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/6dKuU1MMlT pic.twitter.com/BOUJf5Efox
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 15, 2021
Researchers from The University of Manchester collaborated with Harvard University on ‘soft’ graphene, containing electrodes that adapt to living tissue. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/kGSFELeSch pic.twitter.com/x1Pa9JeJRv
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 16, 2021
As part of the international World Weather Attribution group, Newcastle University used state of the art climate models to indicate increases in slow moving extreme rainfall events caused by climate change. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/QhmPEPxzmn pic.twitter.com/huMxZRcmc8
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 17, 2021
Scientists from the University of Sheffield joined an international team of researchers to set recommendations for making cities more resilient to climate change, improving urban livability and reducing the threat to infrastructure. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/1RTPTEWOqf pic.twitter.com/xPh8y8S9pP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 17, 2021
An international team led by the University of York studying tropical forests in Africa’s mountains discovered that African mountain forests store more carbon per unit area than the Amazon. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/xCqALaTcBH pic.twitter.com/FupZfpd1iN
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 17, 2021
The long-term benefits of international collaboration cannot be understated. The N8 universities are world leaders, all ranking in the top 30 universities in the UK. Read more about our international reach here: https://t.co/g0AMsAjAqw #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/8ENb6N4UqD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 17, 2021
Alongside the N8 Research Partnership’s nomination for ‘International Collaboration of the Year,’ the Times Higher Education Awards have also highlighted the incredible work of several of our universities. https://t.co/bOSA1IVsvQ #N8Fifteen
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 17, 2021
N8 Postdocs
We're excited to be hosting the National Postdoc Conference on Friday 24 September! It's an opportunity to to engage with industry stakeholders, funding agencies, policy influencers, researcher developers & career development professionals.
More here: https://t.co/y8jhlzuoA5 pic.twitter.com/ab9rLzUPFK
— University of Liverpool (@LivUni) September 17, 2021
This week we’re celebrating all things postdoctorate, with the launch of National Postdoc Appreciation Week and the National Postdoc Conference 2021 on 24 September. #N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPAW2021 #NPDC21 https://t.co/FUr8k9hZwK pic.twitter.com/VOF2LoqEI8
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 20, 2021
#NPDC21 aims to give postdocs the opportunity to meet and network, hear about key initiatives and direction of travel across the national research agenda and harness career prospects. #N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPAW2021 https://t.co/v23Uqqxrxb
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 20, 2021
You can still register for free for the online National Postdoc Conference 2021 – featuring a keynote speech, panel discussions, networking opportunities and much more.#N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPAW2021 #NPDC21 https://t.co/2Mb4S1zLdL pic.twitter.com/V27jpzjD51
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 20, 2021
We’re proud to be the main sponsor of the National Postdoc Conference 2021, held at an N8 university for the first time. https://t.co/FUr8k9zAoi #NPDC21 #N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPAW2021 pic.twitter.com/x4qjhIHd7o
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
Dr Annette Bramley, Director of the N8 Research Partnership, speaks of her delight of N8 being the main partner of the National Postdoc Conference 2021 (#NPDC21). #N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPAW2021 https://t.co/UbBS6PzMvE
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
The National Postdoc Conference 2021 (#NPDC21), hosted by the University of Liverpool, takes place on Friday 24 September.
You can find out all the details of the event here: https://t.co/O4LvHQJEGJ pic.twitter.com/XIEBdKyTiH
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
The full schedule of events can be found here: https://t.co/KGh8TLcnhc
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
You can also download the #NPDC21 mobile app here, which includes the ability to create a personalised itinerary: https://t.co/HDfckK6neI
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
You can sign up for the keynote speech by Prof Dame Ottoline Leyser DBE FRS, using this direct link: https://t.co/FADva2vTSz
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
And you can register for the panel discussion on Collaborative Research Practices here: https://t.co/G5egD71IOD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
As part of #NPAW2021 we want you to join us in celebrating our postdoctoral researchers for the significant contributions that they make to our research and teaching environments. Find out more here: https://t.co/7YJ48kUvFV #N8Fifteen #N8Postdocs #NPDC21
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 21, 2021
N8 Industry innovation Forum
We’re continuing our 15th anniversary celebrations with a look at the N8 Industry Innovation Forum, working closely with SMEs and multinational companies, to support their very different challenges with innovative research collaboration. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/cza2R1IBcH
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 27, 2021
N8 IIF acted as a catalyst for collaboration by working with industry partners to identify sectoral challenges requiring a research-led solution and bringing research excellence in the N8 universities to bear to address them. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/K8PPsiWt8T
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 27, 2021
The Open Innovation Hub has attracted £8.4m in investment and is one of the 4 core partners of the National Biofilm Innovation Centre that secured a £12.5m investment from BBSRC. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/PPZN2bc7Pe pic.twitter.com/V8rvCMOEP6
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 27, 2021
The academic partners involved with the Hub bring world-class expertise in surface functionalisation and characterisation using leading spectroscopic and imaging techniques, as well as leading knowledge in marine science. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/PPZN2bc7Pe pic.twitter.com/nrpmNJMluh
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 27, 2021
N8 Industry Innovation Forum events have initiated collaboration discussions, with follow-up programme management support ensuring projects flourish into deep collaboration. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/MTebGN6WMB
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 28, 2021
N8 Industry Innovation Forum events have initiated collaboration discussions, with follow-up programme management support ensuring projects flourish into deep collaboration. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/MTebGN6WMB
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 28, 2021
Innovation was a key strategic priority for businesses, who continue to research new technologies and solutions. Forums such as the N8 IIF allow R&D departments to meet academics working in exciting and varied areas. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/WELfobzcfP pic.twitter.com/pxs4TLrswN
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 28, 2021
It can be difficult to attract funding to support research at the interface between academia and business, so being able to draw on resources provided by the N8 has helped to grow our collaborations. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/WELfobzcfP pic.twitter.com/WHYTcsHwnt
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 28, 2021
The N8 IIF facilitated business-led discussions, ensuring industry ‘pull’ of the N8’s world class science base, and allowing new industry-to-industry and industry-to-academic partnerships to be created. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/Oq6XMKSxur
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 29, 2021
The N8 IIF was created to allow businesses to talk to us about their key needs in particular areas, matching these with science solutions and possibilities from the research base, across a range of disciplines. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/QZGxfm8qOt
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 29, 2021
One project formed at N8 IIF created concept designs for internet-based services and physical products for older people on low incomes focused on two areas – wound care and support for carers of people with dementia. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/HWGUIzOurg pic.twitter.com/vwWGZJ63Fd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 29, 2021
Since gaining seed funding from N8 IIF, project partners have been successful in securing further funding from the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust to explore barriers and opportunities to leisure activities for older people. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/HWGUIzOurg pic.twitter.com/JGiI3n1PsP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 29, 2021
N8 IIF was created to bring together senior figures from industry with leading scientists from the northern research intensive universities, with the aim of forging new collaborations and driving innovation, competitive advantage and growth. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/sVVI3mmFtM
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 30, 2021
N8 IIF led to successful collaborative projects between N8 Universities, Unliver, Croda, British Sugar and Cybula, helping potential new products to be developed cost effectively and within shorter timescales. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/unJxjsVFU9 pic.twitter.com/tjxDX1LECS
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 30, 2021
As part of the project an innovative Information and Knowledge Management System was set up to allow interrogation of complex data so that functional bio-derived materials can be identified more rapidly. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/unJxjsVFU9 pic.twitter.com/zc2EwNeO5b
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) September 30, 2021
The Industry Innovation Forum aimed to maximise linkages and market ‘pull’ between private sector research and development, industrial and consumer needs and the world-class research base in the UK. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/g2xIpuDSxm
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 1, 2021
Following on from N8 IIF a project team organised an event highlighting how SMEs are meeting the challenge of an ageing workforce. The event took place at the Department for Work and Pensions. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/MfwIrGqEFg pic.twitter.com/Zpb2jkVf27
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 1, 2021
N8 IIF and its related events has led to a great deal of collaboration around projects and funding bids and strengthened partnerships across many different sectors. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ERBQ37mXIl pic.twitter.com/riDcsSfmb2
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 1, 2021
N8 North Innovation Women
The #NorthInnovationWomen campaign provides an informal and supportive platform for women to be acknowledged and celebrated. This week we’ll be highlighting a few of the remarkable women who made our 2021 list. #N8Fifteen @The_NHSA https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/YOB7mHwDJd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 4, 2021
Hundreds of trailblazing women have been recognised by the N8 and the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) over the years in our annual #NorthInnovationWomen list to mark International Women’s Day. #N8Fifteen @The_NHSA https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/WoJxS3nzeb
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 4, 2021
Professor Dame Pamela Shaw DBE is a Clinician Scientist in Neurology and formerly a Wellcome Senior Clinical Fellow. She is Director of the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Translational Neuroscience for Chronic Neurological Disorders. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/lnH5Wgn5Vd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 4, 2021
Salma Yasmeen is a mental health nurse by background, now Executive Director of Strategy and Change, with a strong track record in transformation, innovation and developing partnerships. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/E919Rx6GT4
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 4, 2021
Professor Louise Kenny has received numerous awards for her work, most recently the prestigious title of Researcher of the Year by SFI (2015) and 2015 Irish Tatler magazine Woman of the Year Award for STEM. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/7qPgvjFfJI
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 4, 2021
In 2021 the N8 and NHSA #NorthInnovationWomen campaign published a list of over 350 innovative women who are outstanding in their chosen fields. This week we are highlighting a small selection of them. #N8Fifteen @The_NHSA https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/zNK1kGrLvm
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 5, 2021
Dame Nicky Cullum is Professor of Nursing in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work in the School of Health Sciences. She was made a Dame for services to nursing research and wound care in 2013. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/qqpDHWc4G6
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 5, 2021
Amanda Ellison is a Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Durham University and author of two books on the science of the brain. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/hrfqso7aZW
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 5, 2021
Dr Ceri Williams’ team at the University of Leeds support academics to engage in research & innovation activity, ranging from initial research translation projects through to larger-scale, multiple-partner collaborations. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/tQSEN3wV2j
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 5, 2021
Professor Lorna Fraser’s research focuses on chronic disease in children, especially life-limiting conditions. Her other research interests include equal access to services for children and young people. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/tuqq83wSqR
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 5, 2021
Hundreds of innovative women have been recognised by the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) and the N8 Research Partnership in our annual #NorthInnovationWomen list to mark International Women’s Day. #N8Fifteen @The_NHSA https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/K4a9qU6Xps
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
Sally Sheard is a health policy analyst and historian, with a research focus on the interface between expert advisers and policymakers. She has written for and appeared in many television shows including A House Through Time. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/y0fB0j9I8M pic.twitter.com/G1TuFNTOpj
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
As well as Professor of Sociology and Public Health, Jennie is also Director of Engagement and Public Health Lead for the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care for the NW Coast, a collaboration between 36 partners. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/MQpJ7rjUad
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
Avan Sayer is William Leech Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University and an Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Newcastle Hospitals #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/xfbWp1R1jy
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
Professor Lina Gega leads a large NIHR-funded programme of research on community-based behavioural activation training for depression in adolescents. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/MX7fDTSRrT
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
Lucy is responsible for the day to day leadership, delivery and operation of the Prosper project, liaising with local, regional, national and international researcher development networks. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/JEOkVhYMLL
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 6, 2021
The #NorthInnovationWomen campaign provides an informal and supportive platform for women to be acknowledged and celebrated. This week we are highlighting a few of the outstanding women who made our 2021 list. #N8Fifteen @The_NHSA https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/w8SuXIulVy
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 7, 2021
Dr Liat Levita is a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Neuroscience, leading the Developmental Affective neuroscience lab. She is also Developmental Psychologist for the COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium study. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/8E8I3Be4Hk
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 7, 2021
Professor Nicola Wilson has gained extensive knowledge and expertise over two decades working within the health sector, both within the NHS and academia and became Deputy Chief Executive at the NHSA in 2020. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/rMpFnEKKmG
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 7, 2021
Dr Sherry Kothari was invited to join the International Women’s Forum, an organisation that advances leadership by connecting the world’s most pre-eminent women of significant and diverse achievement. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/1kIW5ARTJK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 7, 2021
Dr Stephane Prady’s work aims to model the effect that different preventative or treatment interventions have on altering the variation in the benefit experienced by advantaged groups compared to disadvantaged groups. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMAfDZV pic.twitter.com/Av2AzE3Rl0
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 7, 2021
Professor Anne-Maree Keenan’s research interests focus on multi-disciplinary approaches which improves the health of people with musculoskeletal disease in general, with a specific interest in osteoarthritis. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/Vtt2dri5pv
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
Based at the University of Sheffield, Professor Wendy Baird leads the NIHR Research Design Service for Yorkshire and Humber, supporting researchers in developing and designing high quality research proposals for submission to the NIHR. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/pP6WQSXUPb
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
As part of our #N8Fifteen celebrations, we caught up with N8's director @AnnetteB_N8 to discuss our Northern Innovation Women campaign and the importance of empowering women in academia and research. @isenseIRC @McKendryLab @The_NHSA @NTDCtweets https://t.co/RWPgEdvXWq
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
At the University of Manchester, Professor Karen Kirkby is responsible for developing a programme of international leading proton research and innovation to deliver direct patient benefits. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/OaWnNrcFnu
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
Muzlifah Haniffa is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Lister Institute Prize Fellow and Professor of Dermatology and Immunology at Newcastle University. She was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2020. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/QQWfZUeQdz
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
As well as being a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool, Laura leads the STFC Cancer Diagnosis Network+, a national research network aiming to develop new technologies in cancer diagnosis. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/VBAVMzY38n pic.twitter.com/r6eh1HueVa
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 8, 2021
N8 Technicians
We’re proud to support the National Technician Development Centre as a partner affiliate, helping them support organisations with the delivery of high quality and sustainable technical services across all sectors. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/uEmHvjOsxW pic.twitter.com/m7vnX4nSD5
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 11, 2021
We’re continuing our 15th Anniversary celebrations by celebrating our fantastic technicians across the North – individuals who play a vital role in research across the N8 universities. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/uEmHvjOsxW pic.twitter.com/SDwDycJ7Xk
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 11, 2021
We asked wider university staff to help celebrate the hard work of our #N8Technicians, and the contributions of their technical talent to our research teams. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/vZBiP0XP7w pic.twitter.com/uonWlVCRpP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 12, 2021
#HET2021 is structured around a range of hot topics and will also discuss broader issues around technical skills and education, including the importance of technicians in driving forward innovation. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/nMtsi7rXn1 pic.twitter.com/7a3tkj8Vjy
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 13, 2021
HETS 2021 is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre at the University of Nottingham and is sponsored by Midlands Innovation in partnership with the Science Council. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 Find out more here: https://t.co/nMtsi7rXn1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 13, 2021
The HETS 2021 Summit is the UK’s biggest conference for technicians in Higher Education and research. And it’s FREE to attend. Find out more here: https://t.co/nMtsi7rXn1 #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 pic.twitter.com/8U6JaBMtIA
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 13, 2021
The 2021 summit will be the largest event held specifically for UK and Ireland higher education and research technical staff, building on the success of three previous summits. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/nMtsi7rXn1 pic.twitter.com/gTuKLqBPXJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 14, 2021
After joining the NTDC as a Partner Affiliate, we’re looking forward to exploring ways to promote the resources available for technician development and helping to create a sustainable future for our talented technical staff. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/uEmHvjOsxW pic.twitter.com/GuJmGwH84e
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 14, 2021
The UK’s biggest ever conference for technicians in Higher Education and research will be taking place in Nottingham on Wednesday 10th November 2021. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/KiXwMhlaUo pic.twitter.com/GcT6tJWjG3
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 14, 2021
The N8’s decision to become a Partner Affiliate to the NTDC reflects the importance of technicians to the work our universities undertake and to the many innovative businesses in the North. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 https://t.co/uEmHvjOsxW pic.twitter.com/A2iRGjuHki
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 14, 2021
Great announcement that coincides with our #N8FIFTEEN Technicians week. @NTDC @MelLeitch #HETS21 @N8research https://t.co/ZgMLfnN8Tm
— Dr Annette Bramley (@AnnetteB_N8) October 15, 2021
HETS 2021 is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre at the University of Nottingham and is sponsored by Midlands Innovation in partnership with the Science Council. #N8Fifteen #HETS2021 Find out more here: https://t.co/nMtsi7rXn1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 15, 2021
To conclude our #N8Fifteen technicians week we would like to invite our technician colelagues to the @NDTC Partner Forum 2021. The virtual event will take place on the 21st October – to secure your ticket head to: https://t.co/RVZp7Z5ISl
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 15, 2021
Cultural Assets
Our 15th anniversary celebrations continue this week, with a look at the unique and magnificent cultural assets housed in our N8 universities. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/faUCFaOO1z pic.twitter.com/8O9De5vqtP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 18, 2021
A centrepiece of the city, Durham Castle is today home to the 1500 students of University College, including the 300 students who live in and around the Castle and the Durham Peninsula. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/h8b4ihrstL pic.twitter.com/ztX1ftOwe3
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 18, 2021
As well as housing the world-famous Lovell Telescope, Jodrell Bank also hosts a discovery centre. The fully-steerable telescope has been used to discover new galaxies. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/keCDcX8Pxj pic.twitter.com/5NGmCfjCxk
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 18, 2021
The Garstang Museum collection remains an important part of teaching and research into Archaeology, Ancient History, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/OQ2yfWjVwZ pic.twitter.com/nwu150GaKI
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 18, 2021
Managed by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums on behalf of Newcastle University, the Great North Museum: Hancock also hosts a Library and Natural History Archive open to all for personal interest or study.#N8Fifteen https://t.co/oeV4ULYIB5 pic.twitter.com/TgiG3uxpkN
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 18, 2021
The Ruskin Whitehouse Collection contains thousands of paintings and drawings, books and manuscripts, and prints and photographs. It is the most extensive collection of Ruskin’s works in the world, and the most widely consulted. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/6zvGgDeT66 pic.twitter.com/q9ljEZluwr
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 19, 2021
Lancaster University celebrates becoming the permanent home of The Ruskin Whitehouse Collection with the exhibition Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/NgVxtu3PEG
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 19, 2021
Every year the Durham Book Festival attracts a range of thinkers, writers and performers. Events at previous festivals have included appearances from Philip Pullman, Bill Bryson and PD James. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/sILDIZZL3h pic.twitter.com/ovOerQweXB
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 19, 2021
Growing year-on-year, the York Festival of Ideas now attracts an audience of well over 40,000 and works in partnership with more than 100 local and national organisations. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/kzRohsXs8F pic.twitter.com/eCYfhC5aPb
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 19, 2021
Based in one of the finest neo-Gothic buildings in Europe and in the heart of Manchester, the John Rylands Library is home to a dynamic community of world-leading researchers, curators, conservators and imaging specialists. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/vyRKmvVrbR pic.twitter.com/Uh7rnrNDio
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 19, 2021
The Regional Heritage Centre is home to the Elizabeth Roberts Working Class Oral History Archive, one of the most important twentieth-century oral history archives in the UK. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/8w9BfSGtHD pic.twitter.com/UJR99xIrj0
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 20, 2021
Leeds University Galleries collections have grown from a handful of landscapes, seascapes and portraits to an array of paintings, sculptures and other works. The collection reflects and supports the University’s scholarly and educational roles. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Rg0Ecvtla6 pic.twitter.com/QAbwJtnIqd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 20, 2021
The Creative Manchester initiative presents an entry point into the University’s main arts and humanities cultural and creative assets and activities. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/EXIlUXU9ad pic.twitter.com/5sFMJ1Z0uj
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 20, 2021
The Hatton’s diverse collection includes over 3,000 works from the 14th – 20th centuries. Key pieces include work by Francis Bacon, Richard Hamilton and Palma Giovane among others. https://t.co/qGfTvyGG1Z #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/BC1ieG8aLD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 20, 2021
Leeds 2023 promises a wide range of activities in the city, from dance to design, art to architecture, poetry to pop, sculpture to sport, grassroots community theatre to performances on world-class stages. #N8Fifteen @leeds_2023 https://t.co/ziQ9ufpMGz pic.twitter.com/6gkP3SHrQC
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 21, 2021
The University of Leeds is a stakeholder in Poet Laureate Professor Simon Armitage’s project to establish The National Poetry Centre in Leeds. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/3VKhpi8Au6 pic.twitter.com/PjUAoznEBh
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 21, 2021
Through its archive based at the University of Liverpool, the SFF continues to promote academic research within science fiction, encouraging greater public understanding of the genre. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/hW02wU5SaE pic.twitter.com/4HioV8LgPr
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 21, 2021
From Ancient Egypt to modern China, the origins of Durham Oriental Museum’s collection lie in the teaching of oriental languages at Durham University. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/LZH3de4URp pic.twitter.com/mcyGMF1EbS
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 21, 2021
The Alfred Denny Museum, named after the University of Sheffield’s first professor of biology, was reopened in 2012 through the efforts of a team of student volunteers. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/78c8W1Wt1y pic.twitter.com/PAxWhowIbp
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 22, 2021
Festival of the Mind is the University of Sheffield's flagship festival which partners artists, creatives and academics to present animated, engaged high quality research into a public space and dialogue. #N8Fifteen @FestivalMind https://t.co/uFiKahw6mE pic.twitter.com/AkyimeY4yg
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 22, 2021
Future Fashion Factory researches and develops advanced digital and textile technologies to transform the industry’s agility in the luxury fashion design process, and ability to shift to circular economies. #N8Fifteen @FutureFashionF https://t.co/LUBph9G9c8 pic.twitter.com/WjSekJJPjE
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 22, 2021
Drawing together the University of York’s research excellence and a strong business focus, XR Stories is putting the innovative and dynamic digital storytelling community of the region at the front of the global creative and cultural landscape. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/bA4ETMLEgb pic.twitter.com/sL3e9GdkUd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 22, 2021
N8 Lifesavers and Covid Response
As part of our ongoing 15th anniversary celebrations we’ll be taking a look at some of the N8 lifesavers and Covid response work at our universities, saving lives and making a life-changing difference to our health and wellbeing. @LivUni #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/L2y1iASRAY pic.twitter.com/ZgEeOMwzNG
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 25, 2021
Sniffer dogs could be used in the fight against malaria thanks to research being carried out by Professor Steve Lindsay, who was inspired to research sniffer dogs after watching the dogs in action at US airports. @durham_uni https://t.co/mk9xbHTMzo pic.twitter.com/xzuRcolNCS
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 25, 2021
Age UK report that 3.9 million older adults see their television as their best form of company – a team from Lancaster University Management School have worked with older people in Cumbria tackle isolation. @LancasterUni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/cJJVU0T7Ou pic.twitter.com/M5Nmcx1W0Q
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 25, 2021
A research team at the University of Leeds, led by Professor Nicola Stonehouse and Professor Dave Rowlands, have successfully developed a process which involves engineering polio virus-like particles in yeast. @UniversityLeeds #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/h3NN91FsZy pic.twitter.com/yP20v10pEl
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 25, 2021
Seeing trends between shorter lives and earlier onset of disability among adults and children to disadvantaged living circumstances, Professor Dame Margaret Whitehead and her team have tackled the issue head on. @LivUni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eK8hsP0Dgo pic.twitter.com/psDGzaFXh6
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 26, 2021
Manchester is home to one of the only dedicated stillbirth research centres in the world. The team’s work has already seen a reduction in the number of stillborn babies at St Mary’s Hospital, where the research takes place. @OfficialUoM #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/H6q8iIrCY7 pic.twitter.com/p3eDFzbtlf
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 26, 2021
Ageing research at Newcastle University continues to grow in strength and reputation under the leadership of Professor Dame Louise Robinson, whose research focuses on helping people remain independent in old age. @UniofNewcastle #N8Fifteen https://t.co/c6VbqTk2DY pic.twitter.com/j5EAnVSrYm
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 26, 2021
Research from the University of Sheffield was translated into a new approach for killing tumour cells and treating cancer, described as one of the most exciting prospects for future cancer treatment. @sheffielduni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/EssYunBohM pic.twitter.com/GB6gmDbImo
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 27, 2021
Professor Stephen Smith and his team have developed the LID-Monitor and PD-Monitor. These devices reduce the need for a visit to hospital, which can be difficult for those living with Parkinson’s. @yorkuniversity #N8Fifteen https://t.co/vDbunjXkh6 pic.twitter.com/eokpKafOYy
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 27, 2021
A team from Lancaster University are working towards producing a dual-action drug for dementia treatment, with a far greater chance of success in clinical trials. @LancasterUni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/7lv149Sq5m pic.twitter.com/8NB7CmNtaL
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 27, 2021
JUNE is a new individual-based model developed by Durham University that predicts how infectious diseases spread throughout a population living in a certain geographical location. @durham_uni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/q72eskHlu0 pic.twitter.com/JOFTqTWVBQ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 28, 2021
A new social distancing system is being tested at Lancaster University’s Health Innovation Campus and was funded via Beyond Imagination, a new initiative underpinned by a £7.6 million award from Research England’s ‘E3’ fund. @LancasterUni #N8Fifteen https://t.co/SoWa4G8Pi1 pic.twitter.com/lGrYkim6A4
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 28, 2021
Led by the University of Leeds and with support from the Department for Transport and several transport organisations, the study will create models that will quantify the level of risk faced by passengers and transport staff. @UniversityLeeds #N8Fifteen https://t.co/6DBZcsoPei pic.twitter.com/qpmOJ5SDN7
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 28, 2021
Using genome sequencing, the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium, including a team from the University of Liverpool, is working to analyse the genetic code of virus samples, providing public health agencies with a unique tool to combat the virus. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eXO6oqdv73 pic.twitter.com/TwwbWNpT84
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 28, 2021
The phase one trial, being delivered by the Research and Innovation Vaccine Team at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, looks to boost the immune response of first-generation vaccines to a wide array of variants. @OfficialUoM #N8Fifteen https://t.co/OGXYQjko5v pic.twitter.com/FPq4imhPd5
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 29, 2021
While stroke was the most common neurological complication in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, many younger patients developed an altered mental state, new research from Newcastle University has revealed. @UniofNewcastle #N8Fifteen https://t.co/u74W9QURPr pic.twitter.com/Z6LYcBPxH8
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 29, 2021
The new research facility will support a wide range of research to innovate and improve materials for energy applications in areas such as nuclear fuels, energy storage, solar cells and more. @sheffielduni #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/3JX5Scu6lt pic.twitter.com/LarLaiFaQA
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 29, 2021
A major new consortium involving the University of York has been awarded funding by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to study the effects and treatment of long Covid. @yorkuniversity #N8Fifteen https://t.co/nBKa6jSKDA pic.twitter.com/uxvlmOaqXE
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) October 29, 2021
N8 DecarboN8
The DecarboN8 network comprises of experts from the N8 Research Partnership as well as experts from Government and industry, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). @DrGregMarsden #N8Fifteen https://t.co/HjKcUGqiW3 pic.twitter.com/Gr0EC3e8ZS
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 1, 2021
The transport sector accounts for over a quarter of UK domestic greenhouse gas emissions and has not managed to reduce its emissions over recent years. The DecarboN8 network aims to address this issue. @N8Decarbo #N8Fifteen https://t.co/WB5PT9w59E pic.twitter.com/OzRpZDmJAR
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 1, 2021
The DecarboN8 network was launched in 2019, looking toward a place-based decarbonisation strategy for transport in the North of England and beyond. @N8Decarbo #N8Fifteen https://t.co/QBPe8xDDsP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 1, 2021
The DecarboN8 research network explores new ways to rapidly decarbonise UK transport, reducing transport carbon emissions across the North. @N8Decarbo #N8Fifteen https://t.co/SdeQa3biF6 pic.twitter.com/K5xNOgvAvm
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 1, 2021
The network is worth £1.25m and funded by the @EPSRC, bringing together experts from the N8 Research Partnership, as well as those from Government, industry and the third sector. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/SdeQa3biF6 pic.twitter.com/pgiIOpD01b
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 1, 2021
DebarcoN8 works across four themes. These form the structure for a series of twelve research workshops bringing new research interests together to understand the challenges of the transport sector and working toward integrating solutions. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/KQkWaLLMFV pic.twitter.com/yDO03xXnpD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 2, 2021
Decarbonising transport is an essential piece of the puzzle for the UK to meet our overall net zero by 2050 goal. DecarboN8 looks at the different options available to integrate solutions that will lower carbon levels across the North. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/KQkWaLLMFV pic.twitter.com/RtXh0tobO3
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 2, 2021
Social change is critical to rapid decarbonisation, and citizens’ active participation in energy management is vital for sustainability. Social innovation could support decarbonisation at scale, and faster than technical or infrastructural innovation. #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/gA61ZPQUHK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 2, 2021
DecarboN8 will link existing models and datasets to open up understanding of demand growth and capacity expansion trade-offs and support evidence-based transitions optimised for place. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/KQkWaLLMFV pic.twitter.com/IQvL2jDv5V
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 2, 2021
How can a shift to electric vehicles be enabled in tandem with changes to the electricity system? DecarboN8’s ‘future transport fuels’ theme looks to address this and other issues. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/KQkWaLLMFV pic.twitter.com/bCgd2irSA5
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 2, 2021
You can find details of the COP26 DecarboN8 events here, including information on how to register. They also hope to livestream some of their events, so you can participate even if you are not in Glasgow. @N8Decarbo #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eXniccSvRP pic.twitter.com/9J7maCWcVo
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 3, 2021
EXHIBITION: the Place-Based Carbon Calculator. Visit Malcolm Morgan at the exhibition for a live demonstration of the Place-Based Carbon Calculator (PBCC). You can register for the event here: https://t.co/eXniccSvRP #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/IhwkCSAsDO
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 3, 2021
DecarboN8 will be joining the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow until 10 November. Find our more details here: #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eXniccSvRP pic.twitter.com/mP8Wsd7h5d
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 3, 2021
Where have virtual activities taken the place of physical activities? To what extent? What would need to happen to maintain this? DecarboN8’s TRANSAS research seeks to address these questions. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/10EVysZn0k pic.twitter.com/Cd7OEMnoxW
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 4, 2021
£400k of research funding has been made available for DecarboN8 projects, for the development of new collaborations – particularly for early career researchers. @N8Decarbo #N8Fifteen https://t.co/luFh6FtWge pic.twitter.com/sArzokkktY
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 4, 2021
The DecarboN8’s Department of Transport Secondment will identify effective and equitable policies for demonstration and implementation, creating a new path from research to action in the transport sector. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/luFh6FckRE pic.twitter.com/WhN0N9ogzu
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 4, 2021
DecarboN8 and CREDS have created a series of briefing notes, developed with experts from the University of Leeds, to help councils with a practical set of actions they can take forward for decarbonisation. #N8Fifteen @N8Decarbo @CREDS_UK https://t.co/PSY0SJgX2O pic.twitter.com/BQmvTxB4i6
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 4, 2021
Many widely discussed solutions may be dangerous distractions from what is needed to deliver rapid progress. Find out more about the interactive #COP26 workshop here: https://t.co/eXniccSvRP #N8Fifteen @DrGregMarsden @KevinClimate pic.twitter.com/UUeyWuPo7z
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 5, 2021
The DecarboN8 Research Network has spent the last two years bringing experts from all sectors together on climate policy in the transport sector. You can register for this #COP26 event here: https://t.co/eXniccSvRP @N8Decarbo @DrGregMarsden @KevinClimate pic.twitter.com/W03yVZaCHx
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 5, 2021
What are the opportunities to use online data tools to engage communities in the challenge of decarbonising their places? Register for this #COP26 event here: https://t.co/Z5B1rnnZMF @DrMalcolmMorgan #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/tdRN2wZJr9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 5, 2021
The UK’s leading sustainable transport NGOs will champion the importance of communities in creating a cleaner, greener transport future at #COP26. You can register for this panel discussion here: https://t.co/eXniccSvRP @N8Decarbo @DrGregMarsden #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/mQFDtyKPYd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 5, 2021
N8 Net Zero North
As #COP26 continues this week, so do our 15th anniversary celebrations. This week we’ll be looking at Net Zero North, unlocking new business opportunities and creating jobs in the green economy. @AnnetteB_N8 #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/1qbwAti4im
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 8, 2021
N8 Net Zero North will build on the strengths of our region to ‘build back better’ right across the North, for the benefit of our communities and economy, regionally and for the whole of the UK. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/dJc1pww3EA
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 8, 2021
The N8 Research Partnership’s Net Zero North is working to create the basis for supporting economic growth focused on the green economy. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/cYvsIYcX3e
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 8, 2021
N8 Net Zero North will accelerate the transition to net-zero, leading the North in its transition to a net-zero economy by harnessing
the North’s unique mixture of industry, science and research capabilities, and natural assets. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/wxIwWDCAzX— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 9, 2021
Supporting innovation across local energy supply and storage, the circular economy, naturally-inspired solutions, and connectivity, Net Zero North will work to support innovation, addressing the challenges of achieving net-zero. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/ADQWjqfxQK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 9, 2021
The N8 universities are world-leading, all ranked in the top 30 in the UK, with three ranked in the global top 15 for research impact. Net Zero North will build on these strengths to ‘build back better’ and accelerate the transition to net-zero. https://t.co/ZxD2phRpju pic.twitter.com/vwhi4k2vqL
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 9, 2021
Adding crushed rock dust to farmland could draw down up to two billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air per year and help meet key global climate targets, according to a major new study led by the University of Sheffield. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/DigwL6OBQ8 pic.twitter.com/S3ANLGg2YJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 9, 2021
Our response to @food_strategy links experts from across the @N8research universities to each of the 14recs in the #NationalFoodStrategy, drawing from a unique hub of research and knowledge to give a full #foodsystems take on policy action.#N8NFSResponsehttps://t.co/I9rIHtnFfy pic.twitter.com/Xgxz3ATKAc
— N8 AgriFood Food Systems Policy Hub (@PolicyN8AgFood) November 10, 2021
Net Zero North’s ‘Sustainable Hydrogen Economy’ programme aims to support the economic regeneration of the North, positioning the Northern Powerhouse as a global leader in the generation, storage, and usage of green hydrogen. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Ua3YuoWEnL pic.twitter.com/oVuhBgSlGz
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
Maximising economic growth opportunities, environmental benefits and knowledge exchange, Net Zero North looks to prioritise and accelerate projects that can find novel uses for hydrogen in the local, regional and national context. #N8Fifteen
https://t.co/Ua3YuoWEnL pic.twitter.com/UpTZU4ZDEJ— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
The ‘Sustainable Hydrogen Economy’ programme aims to find novel uses for hydrogen in the local, regional and national context, delivering hydrogen solutions faster than anticipated, in areas where hydrogen has not been prioritised in the past. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Ua3YuoWEnL pic.twitter.com/82VnHURymJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
With the research expertise of the N8 and its wider collaborative partners, the ‘Sustainable Hydrogen Economy’ programme identifies opportunities to maximise the use of green energy to support hydrogen production, storage and utilisation. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Ua3YuoWEnL pic.twitter.com/cYwzvyBlXx
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
Great to see our chair Anthony Hollander @LivUniPVCRI at week two of #COP26. He’s been advocating for N8’s #NetZeroNorth and meeting with figures such as @MetroMayorSteve and @AndyBurnhamGM to discuss how universities can drive growth in the green economy in the North and beyond. pic.twitter.com/mNmvkFlpT7
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
The shipping sector is playing a vital role in the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping Britain supplied with everything from pasta to PPE. But what role does it need to play in another great crisis – preventing catastrophic climate change? #N8Fifteen https://t.co/c80piyE9aS pic.twitter.com/lNrPO11vzC
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
One of N8 Research Partnership’s member universities has won funding for three major new projects on decarbonising heat. Find out more about The Durham Energy Institute’s projects here: https://t.co/7HM3OVhLW0 pic.twitter.com/Rln0LxwjeI
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 10, 2021
‘Grow Smarter’ aims to achieve net-zero carbon manufacturing based on sustainable and renewable resources, with a substantial contribution from biotechnology. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/p4ePoX510X pic.twitter.com/ZSTRqvPSVr
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 11, 2021
Net Zero North’s ‘Grow Smarter’ programme aims to utilise the natural assets of the North to support a circular carbon economy and negative emissions capacity, creating resilient, connected urban-rural communities and economies. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/p4ePoX510X pic.twitter.com/4mv11zPNC9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 11, 2021
A Durham University student has won a global award for his work in trying to combat energy poverty.
Jeremiah Thoronka, who is studying a Master's degree in sustainability, was one of 10 finalists shortlisted for the inaugural Global Student Prize.https://t.co/DawsReOkJ9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 12, 2021
Net Zero North’s ‘Skills and Productivity’ programme will promote upskilling of the Northern workforce, as well as establishing a Skills Hub for the ‘Sustainable Hydrogen Economy’ and ‘Grow Smarter’ programmes. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/zmAiuFvacd pic.twitter.com/Jl00BEU1nt
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 12, 2021
Watch our webinar on how the N8 and National Parks are exploring the role of nature-based solutions in helping the North contribute towards the UK’s net zero goal. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/hAvfAzC6tG
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 12, 2021
The existing resources and programmes across the N8 offer a combination of synergistic strengths and innovative research teams, making us best placed to deliver Skills and Productivity for the region. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/zmAiuFvacd pic.twitter.com/h3idzBvIYH
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 12, 2021
N8 AgriFood
Our fifteenth anniversary celebrations continue this week, looking at the superb work of the N8 AgriFood programme, a world-leading research and innovation cluster tackling global food production issues. @Katherine_Denby #N8Fifteen https://t.co/e14pzVZ4xb pic.twitter.com/MnM2E2CiRe
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
By 2050 we will need to increase agricultural production by 60%, while addressing the challenges of the global climate crisis, reducing energy-use and emissions, improving resource efficiency, and addressing malnutrition in all its forms. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/e14pzVZ4xb pic.twitter.com/gO6EYhoI5X
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
Global food security exists when people have physical, social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to maintain active, healthy lives. In addition, achieving food security globally must also promote sustainable development. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/e14pzVZ4xb pic.twitter.com/40gpIB90Bg
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
What gives the N8 AgriFood Resilience Programme the power to transform the future of agriculture? #N8Fifteen https://t.co/9QdY6dvhCU
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
Research at N8 universities has informed policy for the UK government as well as internationally, and N8 researchers have worked with major corporations to develop future food strategies. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/mG9uirKdBg pic.twitter.com/avnoYvcR1S
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
N8 AgriFood is supporting skills and development through food-systems training and skills for graduate students across the North of England and internationally in Ghana with partners. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/mG9uirKdBg pic.twitter.com/aw85FKzOUo
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 15, 2021
Alongside N8 AgriFood’s strategic international partnerships with China, the USA and Argentina, and its extensive work in the Global South, the programme has funded more than 30 international research projects through pump priming. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/6RyzL27wBz pic.twitter.com/DCbZcLgbT8
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 16, 2021
Food Systems experts from the N8 universities have contributed to a unique response to the National Food Strategy – advising Government how to implement key policy measures to ensure a healthy and sustainable food system in England. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/FbD7kQsaVD
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 16, 2021
N8 AgriFood has initiated around 180 collaborative projects exploring food security locally, nationally, and internationally and with collaborators from industry in the UK and globally. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/e14pzVZ4xb pic.twitter.com/gOnRuzfQAf
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 16, 2021
The N8 AgriFood programme has relationships in China, the US, and South America and is leading on global projects such as the Global Burden of Animal Disease programme. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/e14pzVZ4xb pic.twitter.com/lmwhRi6t0v
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 16, 2021
N8 AgriFood’s work aligns with many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/6RyzL27wBz pic.twitter.com/PtPIklC35h
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 16, 2021
The N8 AgriFood pump priming projects were the catalyst for new multidisciplinary collaborations across the N8 universities with external agrifood stakeholders. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/muc8ngrhqm pic.twitter.com/GrdG6kc0xJ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 17, 2021
N8 AgriFood combines strong interdisciplinary research expertise with stakeholder engagement to drive innovation and economic growth in the agrifood bioeconomy. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/yvMAC72yJC pic.twitter.com/OGFQ0vihx9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 17, 2021
N8 AgriFood’s Local pump priming projects with budgets of up to £15,000 have involved at least two N8 universities and been instrumental in developing ideas for future funding proposals. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eKVMQSGo95 pic.twitter.com/EJ4ogMUMiW
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 17, 2021
In addition, N8 AgriFood ran a series of Industry Innovation Forums to develop collaborations between industry and the N8 universities. Facilitated workshops also brought together researchers working on business critical areas. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/eKVMQSGo95 pic.twitter.com/QdieaFlz39
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 17, 2021
Urban agriculture has the potential to play an increasingly important role in food security and sustainability. It offers alternative practices, business models and social models for food production, supply and consumption. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Fm8Od6Tkps pic.twitter.com/CGClLhXqa5
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 18, 2021
N8’s unique African partnership inspires key new research project – the Food Systems Research Network for Africa. Read more here: #N8Fifteen https://t.co/DAdZwCK6qU pic.twitter.com/ie5NxlNjDW
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 18, 2021
The N8 AgriFood Urban Agriculture Cluster aims to reflect the changing landscape of agricultural practices and policies in the UK, looking to develop, share and integrate knowledge across the North of England. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/Fm8Od6Tkps pic.twitter.com/MaiuJai6s0
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 18, 2021
N8 AgriFood engages with agrifood doctoral students from across the N8 universities. This involves students from multiple disciplines working on different aspects of global food systems. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/cM0iQKPlRy pic.twitter.com/8PPFSc1xdK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 18, 2021
N8 AgriFood draws on the business development, engagement and innovation communities across the N8 universities, enabling businesses of all sizes from different sectors to connect with research capabilities and facilities. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/yvMAC72yJC pic.twitter.com/r9zmQCIpca
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 19, 2021
The objective of the Food Systems Policy Hub is to place N8 AgriFood at the centre of the science policy interface, giving policymakers and the agrifood community access to our expertise. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/BaPk5HrJt5 pic.twitter.com/lxifW9a0WZ
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 19, 2021
N8 AgriFood have made substantial contributions to the debate regarding the challenges of the food system. In addition, it supports N8 AgriFood researchers to understand the value of policy engagement and evidence synthesis. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/BaPk5HrJt5 pic.twitter.com/hclsz5osI9
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 19, 2021
N8 Equipment Sharing
Our 15th anniversary celebrations continue, this week looking at the equipment sharing initiatives pioneered by the N8 Research Partnership, driving efficiency and collaboration. @lukegeorghiou #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/OqqwiuoI1P
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 22, 2021
Operational issues can arise when equipment is shared. The N8 programme focused on developing frameworks and guiding principles that can be used to support the N8 universities and ensure effective utilisation of research equipment. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/a0waRVxeMh
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 23, 2021
Working to a set of shared guiding principles allows universities to remain effective and efficient owners and users of world-class research infrastructure. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/PvN5JmiPBb pic.twitter.com/pIDCtjsRi5
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 23, 2021
Efficient equipment sharing encourages external funders to continue to support investments in university-led facilities and helps ensure that the UK retains its position as a leader in research excellence. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/PvN5JmiPBb pic.twitter.com/CoOw1lRh97
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 24, 2021
The N8 Equipment Sharing Database was developed as part of the N8 commitment to promote the sharing of publicly funded research assets. #N8Fifteen Further information on using the database is available here: https://t.co/PvN5JmiPBb pic.twitter.com/S3La5NGYKf
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 24, 2021
Our equipment sharing programme provides a competitive edge to the N8 universities and supports enhanced performance in research. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/024U71ycSM
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 25, 2021
The N8 provides academic and industry researchers with access to resources including high performance computing, alongside support and expertise to make the most of the opportunities provided by this technology. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/uVaAaMM9mK
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 25, 2021
The N8 equipment sharing programme was developed to make it easier for the N8 universities to share equipment and to do so more cost-effectively. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/TxpDb6S8JM
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 26, 2021
N8 remains committed to being a leader in equipment sharing, working with partners across higher education to explore routes to greater collaboration between universities and improved research links with industry. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/xjU47SPXIs
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 26, 2021
The Future of N8
Our 15th anniversary celebrations move into their final week, looking forward to the next 15 years of the N8 Research Partnership, building on the collaborative work and projects of the N8 universities. #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/dY8yXwo0xP
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 29, 2021
If the North were a country it would have the 10th largest economy in Europe and the N8 universities make a significant contribution to this economy through their business activities and research outputs. #N8Fifteen.https://t.co/VeMihbJOqO pic.twitter.com/aIXDDRxK6G
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 29, 2021
Collectively, the N8 universities attract more than £1.26 billion of research income per annum and employ over 18,000 academic staff, forming the largest research-pooling partnership ever undertaken in the UK. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/6J96BhC35f pic.twitter.com/nMXQ8tVbon
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 29, 2021
‘Asking the right questions, at the right time’ – Durham University’s Nicole Westmarland reflects on how the N8 Policing Research Partnership has enhanced understanding of how domestic violence is policed. #N8Fifteenhttps://t.co/mPL6wM9hNs
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 29, 2021
N8 universities continue to bring huge financial benefits to the North of England. We aim to help this continue for the next fifteen years. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/5B5BKN9UOu pic.twitter.com/xZrah5ItVd
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 30, 2021
We spoke to @dsweeneyUK, the Executive Chair of @ResEngland, about the importance of university collaboration and the future of the N8. Watch the full interview here: https://t.co/Yh7j2ZiYgq #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/ciJnKLhjBa
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) November 30, 2021
Over the next 15 years we will continue to champion new ways of working, helping to solving some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century and furthering the economic contributions of the N8 universities to the North of England. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/a6TVamiju1
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 1, 2021
As part of our #N8Fifteen celebrations, we sat down with Colin Bain, @Durham_Uni’s Vice-Provost for Research, to discuss N8's achievements and their role in forging the North's future. Read the full Q&A on our website: https://t.co/WtzLWZGlo7
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 1, 2021
“We’re moving into the next 15 years of the N8 with a real new agenda.” Professor @Chris_Pressler, the Director of the @OfficialUoM Library, speaks about the future of the N8 Research Partnership. Watch the full video here: https://t.co/Q55lx5bar4 #N8Fifteen pic.twitter.com/OZ7iGUJISI
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 1, 2021
The landmark Child of the North report is based on research and analysis by the N8 universities and @The_NHSA, an alliance of 24 NHS hospital trusts, universities and Academic Health Science Networks in the North of England. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/ktsXRmo1Mj
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 2, 2021
“The lessons we have learnt can be catapulted nationally.” ‘We spoke to Professor Bob Doherty about how regional research can drive national policy. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/8QPpRmtRQh
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 2, 2021
“The North’s research community has the capability to raise our standing and ranking in the UK and globally.“ Professor Lenny Koh talks about the future of the N8 Research Partnership. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/POGPQ4b3iG
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 2, 2021
The N8 Research Partnership is the most powerful strategic university research collaboration in the UK, and we aim to build on this success over the next 15 years. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/ziixpsBCUP pic.twitter.com/5SCGttQOrX
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 3, 2021
Collectively, the N8 universities attract more than £1.26 billion of research income per annum and employ over 18,000 academic staff, forming the largest research-pooling partnership ever undertaken in the UK. #N8Fifteen https://t.co/fb8mYkxxVw pic.twitter.com/bbHvge3A9P
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 3, 2021
"It has the potential to be really exciting."
To round off our campaign celebrating the N8 Research Partnership's 15 year anniversary, we spoke to the N8 team about their hopes for the next 15 years and beyond. #N8Fifteen
Watch the full video here: https://t.co/gzyHkHUOV9 pic.twitter.com/95f5qXV8ZN
— N8 Research Partnership (@N8research) December 3, 2021