Who We Are
N8 Vision
To be an exceptionally effective cluster of research, innovation, and training excellence, delivering benefits to the economy and communities in the North of England and beyond.
Our Members
The N8 Research Partnership is a collaboration of the eight most research intensive Universities in the North of England: Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York.
N8 Purpose
- Connect research expertise in our universitites and build trusted relationships between our members and with the wider ecosystem.
- Support people from our universities to develop collaborative solutions to the problems facing society
- Build a critical mass of research excellence in areas where it does not already exist
- Enable knowledge to flow around the universities and beyond, forming a web of intangible infrastructure and social capial
- Demonstrate the value of research and innovation to the economy and communities of the North of England and beyond
- Showcase the diverse range of world-class facilities, skills and people across the N8 universities
Why do we need the N8?
Working together, we can draw on a broader range of skills and knowledge making us more effective and agile.
Without the collective effort and resources of the N8, there would be less collaboration and cooperation between the universities, reducing impact on research, innovation, and economic growth in the region.
Find out More
To read more about the N8 download our Strategic Narrative.