Register now for the launch of the DecarboN8 Research Network on 25 November. The UK Government...

From N8 HPC to N8 CIR - helping researchers gain a competitive edge. It is a...

The NFU’s Head of Food and Farming  is among the keynote speakers at this year’...

The N8 Strategic Executive Group (SEG) and N8 Board both met in early October in...

The future of the N8 Policing Research Partnership (PRP) will rely on its ability to...

A University of Sheffield academic is part of a research team which has been awarded...

Over the last 100 years, women across the North of England have fought for change. They...

International scientists, industry, agricultural experts and policy makers are gathering later this month to hear...

The rising stars of UK science and trailblazing small businesses are to receive significant government...

The director of the N8 Research Partnership has called for urgent investment in innovation in...