From 20th – 24th September 2021, we will celebrate ‘National Postdoc Appreciation Week’.
The N8 universities are taking part in this national event, a great opportunity to recognise and thank our postdoctoral researchers for the significant contributions that they make to the research and teaching environment in universities across the UK.
Postdoctoral researchers make up a crucial part of the research and academic body in our universities. Nurturing and developing this talent is vital to generating new knowledge and innovation throughout the universities of the N8 Research Partnership and encouraging future generations of researchers in the Northern Powerhouse. We want to highlight the diversity within our postdoc population and the vast range of contributions they make to ensuring that the N8 is a vibrant and successful research powerhouse in the North of England.
How to get involved
Details of how university comms teams and academics can get involved are below, and also on the N8 website.
- Please circulate this webpage link, as a Toolkit, to all research academics and staff across the university, and ask them to participate in this N8-wide campaign from 20-24 September
- If you have a newsletter or other emails comms, please also add this as a news piece where appropriate
- Please drive participation with this campaign by tweeting about it, from this week up until 20 September, on your university and department Twitter accounts.
Actions you can take
Action 1
Print out the #N8Postdocs poster here (PDF, 300KB) and fill in the name(s) of your chosen postdoc, plus a reason why you’d like to thank them for their support and hard work
- Take a photo of you holding up the completed poster
- Post on Twitter, tagging your postdocs to let them know you appreciate them
- Please include hashtag #N8Postdocs, so that we can find and share your thoughtful post.
Example post:
Action 2
- Post a ‘Thank You’ graphic to Twitter, tagging your Postdocs to let them know you appreciate them!
- Please include the hashtag #N8Postdocs so that we can find and share your thoughtful post.
Example Twitter posts
To help share the campaign news piece:
- It’s National Postdoc Appreciation Week! We’d like to thank our Postdocs for their contributions to and hard work across the university’s @N8Research programmes. Download these #N8Postdocs Thank You cards & tweet a big thanks to your team: https://www.n8research.org.uk/celebrate-national-postdoc-appreciation-week-n8postdocs-2021
To thank your brilliant postdocs:
- It’s National Postdoc Appreciation Week! I’d like to thank my Postdoc researchers @TAGPOSTDOC @TAGPOSTDOC for their amazing work on some of our @N8Research programmes at @TAGDEPARTMENT. #N8Postdocs You’re the best!
Example graphic:
Download a Word version of the example graphic (13KB)
Take a look at how our N8 universities have got involved in previous years!
This week is National PostDoc Appreciation Week!
A big thank you to our postdoctoral researchers in @BiologyatYork
, especially during such a challenging year – share your thanks and messages with us and tag #N8PostDocs pic.twitter.com/ng0sGlulpM— Biology at York (@BiologyatYork) September 21, 2020
This week is National PostDoc Appreciation Week!
A big thank you to our postdoctoral researchers in @BiologyatYork
, especially during such a challenging year – share your thanks and messages with us and tag #N8PostDocs pic.twitter.com/ng0sGlulpM— Biology at York (@BiologyatYork) September 21, 2020
Happy postdoc appreciation week everyone 🎉🎉🎉
What a joy to see all those posts highlighting and celebrating the amazing work of postdocs aka research associates/assistants/fellows, trainees!!
Let's get those hashtags trending ⬆️#LovePostdocs#NPAW2020#N8Postdocs pic.twitter.com/IIcAy2GMrY— ManchesterPostdocs (@UoMPostdocs) September 21, 2020
Thank you George, for just quietly getting stuff done. It has been a pleasure to see you develop into a talented and hard working post doc. Keep up the excellent work.
Vanessa#N8Postdocs #NPAW2020 pic.twitter.com/MLBRY5fqPE— Materials at TUoS (@msesheffield) September 23, 2020
#N8POSTDOCS @EStubington @dsilancaster Really excited to have Emma Stubington join the DSI Care home project. We’ve seen great things from her in the past and are excited about great things in the future. pic.twitter.com/Frm8uPENtl
— DSI Lancaster (@dsilancaster) September 21, 2020
A big thank you to Marietta this week during post doc appreciation week #N8POSTDOCS #NPAW2019 pic.twitter.com/Tl0W6mqtdt
— Tuplin Lab Leeds (@Tuplin_Lab) September 20, 2019
Thank you @colleenmann194! My first PhD student, and now working as an @RoyceSheffield Fellow, my group would quite simply fall apart without her. She's not bad at nuclear waste glass corrosion science either 😉 @msesheffield @ISL_Sheffield #N8postdocs #NPAW2019 pic.twitter.com/gRakipcnXR
— Dr Claire Corkhill (@clairecorkhill) September 20, 2019
Sorry we haven't been able to individually thank all of our Postdoctoral Researchers (here known as Research Associates & Senior Research Associates) this week, but this is to all of you 💌💕
So many astounding Post Doctoral Researchers,
Too little time! #NPAW2019 #N8PostDocs pic.twitter.com/7YspbxMjTs— Lancaster Environment Centre (@LancsUniLEC) September 20, 2019
From all of us @LivUniAcademy, but especially from me personally – a huge shoutout to @SarahArrowmith, @njbeesley,@DrAlisonSavage & @MJ_Monaghan of the @UoL_RSA who inspire me everyday with their hard with and dedication. Thank YOU 🥳#NPAW2019#LovePostdocs #N8PostDocs pic.twitter.com/xXFzLIyzob
— Dr Saneeya Qureshi (@SaneeyaQ) September 20, 2019
See hundreds more by following the hashtag, #N8Postdocs