In its fifth year, the University of Liverpool has unveiled its latest ‘Making an Impact’ programme, designed to enable researchers to engage in activities around their research impact needs.
From 9th May to 10th June, the University of Liverpool will be delivering the programme using a hybrid model of face to face activities as well as online sessions. The rich programme is developed around the refreshed ‘Making an Impact’ framework which has the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) perspectives at its core, including themes consistent with the topics covered by The Good Business Festival.
Covering a broad of range of topics including sustainability, innovation and investment, the five-week programme consists a total of 60 sessions, of which twelve have now become available to those outside of the University of Liverpool.
Highlights include the Liverpool to Impact series that sees PhD and postdoc alumna speak of their careers now based in industry. The full list of sessions available to researchers, academics and research-related professionals at all career levels outside of the University of Liverpool, are below.
From Liverpool to Impact – Notes from a patent attorney: IP and innovation careers for researchers.
Speaker: Dr Andy Tranter, Managing Partner, Barker Brettell, on Fri 13 May: 10:00-11:00 Book here
From Liverpool to Impact – Professional Insights from a career in Private Industry in Asia.
Speaker: Dr Mark Begg, Former Global Operations Director – Asia, Air Products, on Tues 17 May: 09:30-10:30 Book here
Keynote: Building a culture of innovation.
Speaker: Dr Iain Hennessy, Clinical Director of Innovation and co-founder of Alder Hey Innovation, on Wed 18 May: 11:00-12:00 Book here
Keynote: Impact Matters: Responding to COVID-19.
Speaker: Prof Calum Semple, on Fri 20 May: 12:30-13:30 Book here
Keynote: The road from COP26, how zero carbon innovation is leading the way.
Speaker: Steve Rotheram, Liverpool Metro Mayor, on Wed 23 May: 14:00-15:30 Book here
Keynote: Knowledge exchange – a funders perspective.
Speaker: Alice Frost, Director of Knowledge Exchange – Research England, on Tues 24 May: 14:00-15:00 Book here
From Liverpool to Impact: Panel discussion on business development and collaboration.
Speakers: Dr Bryan Bodek, Chair, Trenchard Aviation, Chair, Novabiotics; Peter Gallaher, R&D Consultan,; Former EVP Strategic Sciences, Unilever Investor; Mark Woodward, Director at Earthmills, Neal Jones Furniture, Carbon Reduction technology, Retrogenix, EWD, on Wed 25 May: 12:00-13:00 Book here
From Liverpool to Impact: Career from academia to industry.
Speaker: Dr Lydia Brown MBE, Director at Strameno, on Fri 27 May: 14:00-15:00 Book here
Keynote: Climate Change and how Universities can make a difference.
Speaker: Prof Judith Petts CBE, Vice Chancellor University of Plymouth, on Mon 6 June: 11:00-12:00 Book here
Digital Inclusivity: Has COVID-19 changed the landscape of digital inclusion?
Speakers: Prof. Simeon Yates, Professor of Digital Culture and Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research Environment and Postgraduate Research, UoL; Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement, Good Things Foundation; Chris Ashworth, Head of Social Impact, Nominet; Jocelle Lovell, Programme Manager, Wales coop; Sally Dyson, Head of Digital and Development, SCVO, on Wed 8 June: 14:00-15:00 Book here
From Liverpool to Impact: A career in circular economy.
Speaker: Dr Mervyn Jones, on Thur 9 June: 11:30-12:30 Book here
The benefits and potential hazards of making a cultural impact online, and on how this might support our face-to-face activities.
Professor Dinah Birch, Pro Vice Chancellor for Cultural Engagement and Prof Georgina Endfield, APVC Research and Impact, Humanities and Social Sciences; Professor of Environmental History, on Thur 9 June: 14:30-15:30 Book here
Taking place between 13th May and 9th June, all the sessions are linked to online resources that will continue to be made available beyond the event on the open access Making an Impact resource pages.