The N8 Board and the N8’s Strategic Executive Group (SEG) have met in May and June and a summary of their discussions is below:
Strategic Executive Group
The SEG discussed some projects proposed by the N8 PDR network. It recommended exploring how some elements could be taken forward; ensuring that we generate as much data as we can from existing sources.
The SEG also received an update on the progression of work to scope the themes of Child of the North and Clean and Productive Businesses.
N8 Board
Professor Chris Day, VC, Newcastle University was elected as the next Chair of the N8 Board from 1st August, replacing Professor Mark E Smith of Lancaster University who is taking up a new role at Southampton University. Professor Anthony Hollander of the University of Liverpool was confirmed as the next Chair of SEG. Professor Steve Decent was thanked for his service as SEG Chair.
The Board considered their appetite for future funding of the N8 and committed to resourcing the partnership for a further three years.
David Burn, chair of the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA), joined the meeting to discuss N8 and NHSA joint working. Greater collaboration with NHSA was enthusiastically endorsed where it can be resourced.
The Board also received an update on the progression of work to scope the themes of Child of the North and Clean and Productive Businesses. It reaffirmed the ambition to see substantive collaborations come forward within these themes.
Further, the Board considered how the N8 Policing Research Partnership might become sustainable beyond the end of the current Catalyst grant.