The N8 Research Partnership’s Computationally Intensive Research Community Day takes place on Monday 13th June, having been re-scheduled from December 2021 due to COVID-19.
Starting at 10am, Durham University will play host to a series of keynotes, presentations and lightning talks to celebrate the work and achievement of the N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) over the last 12 months.
Amongst a range of ongoing activities, the event will focus on three key areas:
- Bede, N8 CIR’s high-performance computing platform.
- N8 CIR’s successful application to become a chapter of Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC).
- The launch of N8 CIR’s new machine learning research theme.
The first keynote of the day will celebrate N8 CIR’s successful application to become a chapter of the WPHC movement. Alison Kennedy, former director of the Hartree Centre, will speak about the changing landscape for women working in high-performance computing.
Kennedy will be followed by Marion Weinzierl and Mariann Hardey, both of Durham University, who co-founded the N8 WHPC chapter. They will talk about the goals of the chapter and some of the actions they have already undertaken.
David Hogg, University of Leeds, will speak about his work as part of the launch of the machine learning theme. Further talks will also explore N8 CIR’s on-going priorities around digital health and digital humanities.
There will be a welcome return for lightning talks in the afternoon. Speakers will be drawn from across the N8 Research Partnership and beyond. Topics for discussion include renewable energy, agent-based modelling, reproducibility and RSE mental health.
For more information on the N8 CIR Community Day, visit: https://n8cir.org.uk/events/cir-community-day/
Book your place at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cir-community-day-tickets-328657943757
Please remember to use your .ac.uk address when registering, this helps us to ensure you are eligible for the event. If you work for a partner organisation, such as one of the research councils, this can be recorded during the registration process.