Today on International Women’s Day the NHSA and N8 Research Partnership are celebrating inspirational women making their mark on the world of innovation.
We’ve partnered up with the NHSA on their successful #NorthInnovationWomen campaign, which aims to promote the work of women in innovation across the North, presenting a showcase of role models to women and girls thinking of working in, or studying, the many sectors where innovation is key.
The Northern Health Science Alliance and the N8 Research Partnership are both passionate about gender equality and championing those in the North of England that are achieving great things in their field of work.
Dr Annette Bramley, Director of the N8 Research Partnership said: “We are so pleased to collaborate with the NHSA to encourage a culture of inclusiveness and diversity, providing a platform for women in innovation to lift each other up and celebrate the strengths of our female talent in the North.
Inclusiveness within the NHSA and N8 partnerships makes us stronger and creates an environment where we can collaborate with others with a diversity of disciplines, perspectives and methods, which will lead to better research outcomes and impacts for the Northern Powerhouse and beyond.”
Over the last few weeks, we have called on our Twitter followers to use the hashtag #NorthInnovationWomen to recognise the excellence of female innovators working across the North. We’re honoured to today publish the list of inspirational women – as recognised by friends, colleagues, and peers.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to make suggestions and thank you to all the amazing women featured below. Keep on pushing boundaries!
North Innovation Women 2020
Aileen Henderson @TEWVresearch, facilitating innovation across the breadth of their Foundation Trust
Ailsa Pickering, Nurse specialist, pill trainer, Great North Children’s Hospital
Alexandra Eavis, Founder of @DovetailLab: @AlexandraEavis
Dr Alison Lane, Associate Professor of Psychology at @DREX_Durham: @DrAliLane
Professor Amanda Ellison, Executive Director, Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Durham University: @ellison_brain
Amanda (Tortice) Lee: @Amanda_S_Lee
Amanda Lamb, Director, HILL: @waltzinglamb
Amanda Risino, Managing Director, Health Innovation Manchester
Amy Gadoud, Senior Lecturer in Palliative Medicine @ioelc @LancasterUni and Community Consultant @BlackpoolHosp: @agadoud
Namrata Ganneri, Commonwealth Rutherford Fellow in @YorkHistoryDept and the Centre for Global Health Histories at @UniofYork
Dr Ang Davies, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Bioinformatics, University of Manchester: @AngDavies14
Angela Topping, Head of Newcastle Joint Research Office: @AngelaTopping74
Anne Cooper, for Minerva Programme with @Ethicalhealthuk and leadership podcaster: @Anniecoops
Anne Richardson, AHSN NENC Project Support Officers
Professor Arpana Verma, Clinical Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology and Hon Consultant in Public Health, University of Manchester
Becky Crow, Clinical Research Project Manager @UniofNewcastle: @beckydavis26
Becky Wassall, NHS Community Dentist, Newcastle Uni Health Service Researcher. Recommended for her health informatics work: @Bexmoxon
Bethany Ainsley, CEO of @opti_me, Chair of @nuvowellbeing, Chair of @ActivCare_coach: @bethanyainsley
Beverley Bryant, CDO @KingsCollegeNHS: @Beverley_Bryant
Camila Caiado, Associate Professor of Statistics at @durham_uni: @CamilaCSCaiado
Carol Botten, CEO for VONNE: @Carol_VONNE
Dr Caroline Dodd-Reynolds, Associate Professor in Physical Activity & Nutrition at @durham_uni: @carolinedod
Caroline Sanders, Professor of Medical Sociology, Director for PPIE at Health Innovation Manchester: @carolin_sanders
Caroline Wroe, Clinical Director @NIHRCRN_NENCumb: @CarolineWroe1
Cat Jones & Rebecca Willis at @padoq: @illustrationcat
Cath Barrow, Senior Programme Development Lead, Health Innovation Manchester: @TheorginalCathB
Cath Wasiuk, E-Materials and Student Support Officer, University of Manchester: @heydftba
Catherine Walshe, Palliative care Researcher at @IOELC, Editor @palliativemedj: @cewalshe
Charlotte Fox, Innovation Manager, @AHSN_NENC: @CharlotteFox22
Charlotte Lewis, Commercial Health Lawyer @MillsandReeve: @charlmchugh
Charlotte Stockton, Project Manager, Co-chair @ResearchPMN_NW: @LottiesLoaves
Chloe Watson, Communications Consultant at Chloe Does Comms: @Chloedoescomms
Christina McHugh, Founder of @MoodbeamLife: @colmermchugh
Christine Jordan, Health Network North Manager at @AHSN_NENC
Claire Burn @RI_STSFT Leading innovation across South Tyneside and Sunderland FT
Claire Graham at @MedConnectNorth lead: @ClaireNENC
Claire Lord, Respiratory Physio in Paediatrics and Cystic Fibrosis: @clairelord17
Claire Smith: @clairepanes82
Claire Work, HR Professional: @clairework2
Dr Clarissa Giebel, Researcher at @arc_nwc @livuni: @ClarissaGiebel
Professor Clare Bambra, Newcastle University: @ProfBambra
Colette, Industry Liaison Manager at @ManchesterBRC, @MMPathIC: @colswebb
Connie Clarke
Dame Jackie Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals: @JackieDanielNHS
Dannie Moore, Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University @ioelc: @dannicmoore
Dawn Lawson, CEO at @LivHPartners: @lawson_dawn
Donna Smith, Comms Manager @AHSN_NENC: @donnasmith1977
Elaine Readhead, MH Programme Manager at @AHSN_NENC
Eleanor Baggaley, changing the face of education with books on inclusion for children: @ebaggaley
Ellie Chapple, TEDx speaker, Founder of #Flipthenarrative: @elly_chapple
Emily Oliver, Associate Professor of Sport & Exercise Sciences at @durham_uni: @_EJOliver
Emma Gillespie, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. Business development support officer, facilitating innovation across the Trust and wider NHS: @emma_g84
Emma Hicklin, Practice Manager @uvmp1: @emmahicklin
Emma Lim, Consultant Paediatrician, Great North Children’s Hospital: @ejlim8
Emma Reynolds, pushes growth and development of #healthinnovation
Fiona McDonald, Clinical lead of @EPS and Preferences Director @GreatNorthCare: @F10_McD
Fran Hooley, Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Manchester: @FranHooley
Georgina Moulton, Professor of BioHealth Informatics and Education @officialUoM. Director of Alliance Learning and Development @HDRUK: @GeneralGeorge
Hannah Davies, Head of External Affairs Northern Health Science Alliance @The_NHSA: @PRJournoHannahD
Hannah McGivern, founder of @HAN_comms: @han_mcgivern
Helen Ball, Professor of Anthropology at @durham_uni: @BasisOnline1
Helen Simpson, Strategic Relationship Manager @GM_HSC: @_hels_bells
Jackie Gill, Product Manager at IEG4: @jaxg12
Jane Macnaughton, Professor of Medical Humanities at @durham_uni: @RJMacnaughton
Janette Stephenson, MO Programme Lead at @AHSN_NENC
Dr. Jen Townshend NUTH FT pioneer in innovative paediatric asthma interventions and education
Jenni Jardine, Research Associate @CAMHS_Digital
Jenny Hicken, for many reasons and roles including cofounding @GreatNorthWomen: @GreatNorthMum
Jenny McAteer, Director @itsgroundswell: @jen_jen_mac
Jill Riding, pushes growth and development of #healthinnovation
Jill Watson, PM for @GreatNorthCare: @jwatson2801
Jo Elverson, a palliative care entrepreneur at @stoswaldsuk: @ElversonJo
Jo Rycroft-Malone, Dean of Health & Medicine @LancasterUni, Director, NIHR HS&DR- @NIHRresearch: @jorycroftmalone
Jo-Anne Wass, Chief Operating Officer, Leeds Academic Health Partnership @LeedsAHP
Jody Nichols, Health programme lead at @AHSN_NENC: @jodynichols1
Jordan Hewitt, economic growth project support officer at @AHSN_NENC: @jordanhewitt24
Judith Goodship
Julia Newton, Medical Director at @AHSN_NENC: @JuliaN_AHSNNENC
Julia Wood, Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative Lead at @AHSN_NENC: @JuliaWoodQI
Karen Bloor, Health economist, University of York: @KBloor
Dr Karen Hind, Assistant Professor Sport & Exercise Sciences at @durham_uni: @DrKarenHind
Karen Murphy, Research Support Manager, University of Manchester: @karenmurphy290
Kate Mackay, Health Improvement Lead @AHSN_NENC
Kath Mackay, MD for @alderleypark, a role model for women in STEM and thought leader in science and tech: @kath_mackay
Katherine Ashby, @RI_STSFT Leading innovation across South Tyneside and Sunderland FT
Katherine Beswick: @KBeswick71
Dr Katherine Eastham, pioneer in innovative paediatric asthma interventions and education
Kathryn Common – Communications Manager for @GreatNorthCare and and cofounder of @GreatNorthWomen: @kathryncommon
Kathryn Hardy, LMS lead Midwife @LMSNorthern for her work locally and system wide to deliver a continuity model to benefit all women: @Kathryn83673952
Katie Bushby, Professor Emerita in Neuromuscular Genetics Newcastle University: @BushbyKate
Kay Faulkner, Enterprise growth manager at @MFTnhs: @KayfIPI
Kirstie Taylor, Strategic Comms lead at @AHSN_NENC: @kirstie64
Lamiece Hassan, HDRUK research fellow and public engagement specialist: @lameicehassan
Dr Laura Breen, Impact & Engagement Manager, Manchester Metropolitan University: @duchessmuse
Laura Rooney, Associate Director of Communications @HealthInnovMcr @laurarooney24
Lesley Kay, Deputy Medical Director, Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch; National Clinical Lead for Rheumatology, GIRFT; Consultant Rheumatologist, NUTH; vice Chair, North Clinical Senate: @GenQ5Lesley
Lily Mott, Executive Assistant, Northern Health Science Alliance: @_raviolily
Linda Tinkler, NMAHP Research Lead, @NewcastleHosps PhD student @NursingSRA: @tinklelin
Lisa Kell, Director of Commissioning SYB ICS
Lisa Robinson, Consultant Allied Health Professional (AHP) @NewcastleHosps and Honorary Senior Lecturer @UniofNewcastle and all round encourager: @DrLisa_AHP
Lisa Wood, Early detection and resuscitation Lead Nurse at County Durham and Darlin NHSFT: @lisaward513
Liz Ashall-Payne, CEO, Orcha: @LizAshallPayne
Liz Brown, Health Programme Manager at @AHSN_NENC: @lizsargent66
Liz Mear, CEO, The Innovation Agency: @MearLiz
Lizzy Hodcroft and Emma Reilly, founders of @wearemyndr
Lorelle Dismore, Health Psychologist and Research and Innovation Officer at @northumbriaNHS: @lorelle_dismore
Lorna Green, Director of Enterprise and Growth, Innovation Agency: @LornaGreenNWC
Lottie King, founder of @leosneonatal, trailblazer in mental health support for families with a sick or preterm baby in NICU
Louise Kenny, Executive Pro Vice Chancellor, Health & Life Sciences @LivUni: @louiseckenny
Louise Sinclair, Co-founder of @One_HealthTech: @louisesinclair
Louise Wilson, Network convener / NHS Clinical Networks/ #GreatNorthWomen co-founder: @NetworkLouise
Louise Wood, Director of Science, Research & Evidence at @NIHRresearch: @klouisewood
Lucía Pareja Cebrián, Consultant Microbiologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary: @ParejaCebrian
Dr Lynda Boothroyd, Professor of Psychology at @durham_uni: @drboothroyd
Lynne McKenna, Dean of Education @sunderlanduni: @proflynnemc
Dr Mandy Dixon, Head of Corporate Engagememt at NHSA: @mandydixon100
Marieke Emonts, Consultant in paediatric infectious diseases at Great North Children’s Hospital and Newcastle University: @mariekeemonts
Maxine Mackintosh, Co-founder of @One_HealthTech: @Maxi_Macki
Michelle Waugh, @AHSN_NENC Project Support Officer: @michellewaugh11
Monica Hughes
Morag Burton, Chief Operating Officer @NIHRCRN_NENCumb: @morag_burton
Namrata Ganneri, Commonwealth Rutherford Fellow in @YorkHistoryDept
Nancy Preston from @ioelc @lancasteruni: @nancypreston16
Professor Dame Nicky Cullum, Professor of Nursing, University of Manchester: @nicolacullum
Nicky Timmis, PPIE Manager for @HealthInnovMcr: @nickytimmis
Dr Nicola Wesley, CEO, AHSN NENC: @NicolaWesley
Professor Nicola Wilson, Deputy Chief Executive at NHSA: @NicWils68
Nikki Holdsworth, Project Lead at @AHSN_NENC: @nikkinewthinking
Pauline Singleton, Cycstic Fibrosis Nurse Specialist at @TeessideCF: @pauline_sing
Pauline Whelan, Digital Health Lead: CAMHS Digital: @_PaulineWhelan
Rachael Forbister, Sunderland CCG, TEC lead: @rforbister
Rachel Agbeko, Paediatric Consultant Intensivist: @RachelAgbeko
Rachel Brennan, Network Coordinator @itsgroundswell & @wcmtuk: @missrmbrennan
Rachel Joynes, Director of Infrastructure at @LivHPartners: @research_ramble
Rachel Mewes, Founder of @three21uk, supporting families with a newborn with Down’s Syndrome: @rachelmewes1982
Rachel Morris, Business Manager at @AHSN_NENC
Rachel Raw, delivering the digital vision: @racheldenseren
Rachel Royall, Comms Director at @IBM_UK_news: @RachRoyall
Rachel Turnball, Project Lead at @AHSN_NENC: @Leapoffaith_RT
Rebecca Craig, Continuity of Carer lead midwife @NorthumbriaNHS for her work locally and system wide with to deliver a continuity model to benefit all women: @becfleur
Ruth Bromley, Chair of @ManchesterHCC: @mms_ethics
Ruth Lawson, PR Associate, NHSA : @Ruth_LawsonPR
Ruth Norris, Head of Strategic Relations at Connected Health Cities: @ruthlady
Sally Rennison, VP of sales @patientsco: @Sally_PKB
Sarah Black, Event manager @ahsn_nenc: @saztaz11
Sarah Brearley, Researcher and Senior Lecturer in Palliative Care @ioelc: @drsarahbrearley
Sarah Brooke, Deputy Chair of @HDR_UK public advisory board: @sarah1brooke
Sarah Daniel, @TEWVresearch, facilitating innovation across the breadth of their Foundation Trust: @Sarahdaniel21
Sarah Rendall, Comms Manager at @AHSN_NENC: @smrendall
Sarah Rodgers, Health Geographer; Prof of Health Informatics @LivUniIPHS: @GeographySarah
Sarah Thew, Senior User Researcher, UX lecturer, health informatics, bioinformatics, and @oht_manchester organiser: @Sarri
Sharon Brown at South Tees NHS Foundation Trust, leading on Innovation None
Sheila Payne, Palliative care researcher at @ioelc: @sheilapayne1
Shirley Hannan, Project Manager at the University of Manchester: @ShirleyHannan
Shoshana Bloom, Founder of @InnovaHealthTec: @sbloomconsults
Simone Roche, CEO @NorthPowerWomen, MBE: @simoneroche
Sophie Bates, Programme Manager @AHSN_YandH: @SophieSophBates
Stella James, Head of BD at @Bionow
Stephanie Downey, Chair for @GreatNorthCare ADASS group: @stephjdowney
Stephanie Walton, Director of Finance, AHSN NENC: @walton_Steph
Sue Hart, Health programme manager at @AHSN_NENC
Teresa Fortune, @RI_STSFT, Leading innovation across South Tyneside and Sunderland FT
Dr Tracey Farragher, Lecturer in Healthcare Science, University of Manchester: @TFarragher
Professor Tracy Finch, Professor of Healthcare & Implementation Science (Department of Nursing, Midwifery & Health) @NorthumbriaUni: @TracyLFinch
Victoria Begg, Founder of @SewHalton for using machine sewing as a platform to build confidence, reduce fabric waste and increase skills: @SewHalton
Victoria Christie, IP & Contracts Manager at @AHSN_NENC
Dr V Palin, Health informatician at Connected Health Cities, Research Fellow in Pregnancy complications & Epidemiologist in AMR using EHRs: @v1kki_p
Professor Wendy Baird, Faculty Director for Research and Innovation, University of Sheffield: @baird_wo
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality. The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2020 is #EachforEqual.
Find out more about #IWD2020 at: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/