The N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8PRP) has awarded five research projects a slice of £100,000 of seed-corn funding to support studies into urgent areas of police work over the next 12 months.
The N8 PRP announced the recipients of the Research Co-production Small Grant Awards after receiving proposals from teams of policing practitioners and researchers across the North of England.
Successful applications were selected for their proposals into the pressing challenges facing police forces and delivering outcomes that make a difference on the frontline, including policing drugs and domestic violence.
It was noted that many of the proposals have drawn on the expertise of other civil society and non-police organisations, with the aim to forge cross-institutional and cross-force collaborations outside of the core N8 PRP partners.
N8 PRP’s academic lead, Professor Adam Crawford of the University of Leeds said: “N8PRP’s philosophy is that those who are going to use research and apply the knowledge base should be involved in building it by actively co-producing the evidence.
“We were delighted to announce the five winners of the £100,000 grant and look forward to hearing more about the projects as they develop.”
N8PRP enables and fosters research collaborations between universities, Police and Crime Commissioners, Government, police forces and other partners working in policing policy, governance and practice.
The total small grant fund for the five years is £250k over five years and to date £168k has been awarded across two rounds.
The Research Co-production Small Grant Awards winners are as follows:
The Manipulative Presentation Techniques of Control of Coercive Offenders;
(Cheshire Constabulary, Lancaster University, University of Liverpool)
Policing Drugs in North Yorkshire;
(North Yorkshire Police, University of Leeds)
Police Officer Responses to Coercive Control;
(Merseyside police, Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, University of Central Lancashire, Women’s Aid)
Exploring the Impacts of Body Worn Video in Incidents of Domestic Abuse;
(Cumbria Constabulary, West Yorkshire Police, University of Leeds)
Innovation in Policing Domestic Violence: Understanding Success;
(North Yorkshire Police, Northumbria Police, West Yorkshire Police, Durham University, Northumbria University)