More than 250 trailblazing women have been recognised in the annual #NorthInnovationWomen list, published today to mark International Women’s Day 2022.
In the fifth annual campaign, the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) and N8 Research Partnership are delighted to announce the list, which recognises women who are pushing the boundaries of innovation within their chosen fields.
After another challenging year, with innovation leading the way in the pandemic response and recovery, the campaign champions the achievements of female role models and leaders in the North.
The #NorthInnovationWomen campaign provides an informal and supportive platform for women to be acknowledged and celebrated. The social media campaign relies on Twitter users to suggest women they want to see included in the list – there are no strict criteria or voting systems.
This year’s list features over 250 women who are achieving great things and inspiring those around them across the North of England, as recommended by our Twitter followers.
Hannah Davies, Head of Public and External Affairs at the NHSA, said: “We’re proud to announce our fifth annual list of the North’s inspiring women on International Women’s Day. As we join with people around the world to celebrate women’s achievements, it’s fantastic to see people in the North lifting each other up and championing equality and diversity.
“Since we started the campaign in 2018, hundreds of women from the North have featured on the list and it’s great to work with N8 Research Partnership to showcase the breadth of talent across the North. What started out as a conversation on social media, has grown into one of the highlights in our annual calendar.
“We’ve had another brilliant response this year and we’re very grateful to everyone who has taken part. Huge congratulations to all of the amazing #NorthInnovationWomen 2022.”
Dr Annette Bramley, Director of the N8 Research Partnership. said: “It is a joy to partner with the NHSA again on such a positive and widespread celebration of female talent in the North of England. The response to this year’s North Innovation Women campaign has been tremendous. So many amazing women have been nominated from a diverse range of roles and organisations. It really showcases the strength in breadth and depth that women in the North bring to innovation.
“International Women’s Day is an annual celebration of inclusivity, diversity and collaboration, something which runs through everything we do at the N8 Research Partnership. By being inclusive, we will drive better research and innovation across the North and deliver impactful solutions which make a real difference to peoples’ lives.”
International Women’s Day, marked annually on March 8, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality. The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is #BreakTheBias. Find out more about the day and how to support, at: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/
All #NorthInnovationWomen are welcome to save a copy of the below Twitter card to share on their social media channels
*NOTE: Names and job information listed below have been taken from Twitter bios and/or from details included in the post of the person making the recommendation.
If we have missed any of your #NorthInnovationWomen off the list, please do get in touch and we will update the list. Either tweet us or email anna.hodgson@thenhsa.co.uk
The NHSA and N8 Research Partnership are proud to present #NorthInnovationWomen 2022:
Abi Hynes / Drama and prize-winning fiction writer @AbiFaro
Abigail Needham / Business Development and Project Manager / Devices for Dignity MIC @NeedhamAbigail
Alethea Melling / UCLan @AletheaMelling
Alexis Darby / Policy Research Manager / The Northern Powerhouse Partnership @alexis_darby
Alice Dubois / Postdoctoral Development Centre Manager / Queen’s University Belfast @QUBPostdoc
Alice Seabourne / Medical Director / Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust @alice_seabourne
Aline Miller / Founder & CEO / Manchester Biogel @alinefmiller
Alison Jane Uriel @alisonjaneurie1
Alison Littlewood / Programme Manager / NIHR ARC Greater Manchester @ajlittlewood
Alison Loftus / Research and Development Manager / Bolton NHS Foundation Trust @alisonloftus1
Amanda Ellison / Executive Director / Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing @ellison_brain
Amanda Risino / Health Innovation Manchester
Amber / NIHR CRN Yorkshire & Humber
Amreen / Researcher / IPPR North @AmreenQureshi_
Amy Barratt / NHS Research Delivery Manager / NIHR CRN Greater Manchester @AmyBarratt7
Amy Brown / Senior Research Funding Development Manager / Newcastle University @amymasonbrown
Aneela Mcavoy / Public & Community Involvement & Engagement lead / NIHR ARC GM @AneelaMcavoy
Angela Birt / NIHR Patient Recruitment Centre Business Manager @BirtAngie
Angela Kennedy / Northern England Clinical Network
Angela Topping / Head of Newcastle Joint Research Office @AngelaTopping74
Angie Parker / Research, Development & Innovation Manager @angie_r_parker
Anna / Researcher @annainnewcastle
Anna Kenyon / Lecturer in Epidemiology & Public Health / UCLan @annavkenyon
Annette Bramley / Director / N8 Research Partnership @AnnetteB_N8
Annie Gouk / Deputy editor of data and multimedia / Reach @AnnieGouk
Anushta Sivananthan / Medical Director for CWP @AnushtaS
Arianna Giovannini / Reader in Local Politics & Public Policy / DMU Policy, People and Place @AriannaGi
Avril McCarthy / MedTech Lead & Clinical Scientist / Sheffield Hospitals @AvrilDMcCarthy
Dr Bea Durán / Consultant Pharmacist-Clinical Trials and ATMPs / MFT @beaduji
Bella Starling / Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow / Director of Vocal @bellastarling
Beth Halliday / Speech and Language Therapist / South Tyneside & Sunderland Foundation Trust
Betty Pennington / Research Paramedic @Research_Betty
Bev Hammond / Children’s research team leader at ELHT @hammond_bev
Dr Binita Kain / Consultant Respiratory Physician / Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @BinitaKane
Dr Blanca Perez-Sepulveda / molecular microbiologist / University of Liverpool IVES @BlancaPerSep
Brenda Pimlott / Senior Clinical Research Nurse and NIHR GCP facilitator @PimlottBrenda
Dr Carianne Hunt / Starting Well Programme Manager / Liverpool Health Partners @CarianneHunt
Carol Holland / Lancaster University @CarolHolland286
Professor Caroline Bond / Senior Lecturer / University of Manchester @Carolin077Bond
Caroline Jackson / Leader / Lancaster City Council @jacksongreen54
Caroline Kenyon / Director of Comms and Engagement / Innovation Agency @carokenyon
Catherine Chmiel / Research & Innovation Matron & Midwife / MFT @cchmiel1
Catherine Wilkinson / Manager / Leeds University Business School Enhancement and Innovation Team @c_wilkinson
Charlee B / Youth Work Unit Y&H CIO
Charlotte Clarke / Durham University
Claire Cole @ClaireC29171362
Claire Eyers / Analytical Chemist / Liverpool Uni @ClaireEEyers
Claire Higham / Endocrinologist @cehigham
Claire Wilson/ Post Doc/ University of Liverpool Inst. of Systems, Molecular & Integrative Biology @claire_wilson2
Professor Clare Bambra / Professor of Public Health / Newcastle University @profbambra
Clare Morgan / Director of Strategy / Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @drclaremorgan
Dr Colette Inkson / Innovation and Partnerships Manager / NIHR Manchester BRC @colswebb
Dace Dimza-Jones / Industry Facilitator / NIHR CRN Greater Manchester @DaceDimza
Daisy Priest / NIHR BRC Project Coordinator / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @daisypriestx
Dame Jackie Daniel / CEO / The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals @JackieDanielNHS
Danielle Wilcock / Assistant Research Delivery Manager / NIHR CRN Greater Manchester @DanielleWilcoc3
Professor Dawn Edge / Activist / Researcher / Manchester University Academic Lead for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion @EdgeDawn
Dawn Lawson / Chief Executive / Liverpool Health Partners @lawson_dawn
Dawn Lockey / Highly Specialist Physiotherapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust @lockey_dawn
Dee Lehwald / Research Nurse @LeonardLehwald
Diane / Kirklees Democracy
Domna Salonen / Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellow / Newcastle University @DomnaSalonen
Eileen Kaner / University Professor @EileenKaner
Elaine Evans / Life Sciences Specialist / Northern Powerhouse, Department for International Trade @_Elaine_Evans
Elaine Redhead / AHSN North East and North Cumbria
Dr Ellen Buckley / PostDoctoral Research Associate / Insigneo Institute and University of Sheffield @ee_buckley
Elizabeth Adams / Career Development / Lab for Academic Culture @researchdreams
Elle Bickle / Sheffield
Else Guthrie / University of Leeds
Emma Davies / NIHR Sheffield BRC Project Coordinator @EmmaCDavies97
Emma Oughton / NIHR Research Delivery Manager @empeel73
Emma Vardy / Geriatrician. NCA Clinical frailty lead / University of Manchester @emmavardy2
Enitan Carrol / Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases / University of Liverpool IVES @CarrolEnitan
Erica Roscoe / Researcher @erica_roscoe
Dr Eva Caamano/ Data Scientist and Manager / Liverpool Uni Faculty of Health & Life Sciences @Eva_Caamano
Evelyn (Eibhlín) Dolan / Lead Research Nurse at Christie Hospital & Snr CRUK Research Nurse for GM @dolan_evelyn
Fiona Lobban / Prof in Clinical Psychology, Codirector of Spectrum Centre @fionalobban
Fiona Matthews / Professor of Epidemiology / University of Newcastle @FEMatthewsStats
Gail Kay / Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS FT
Gemma Wright / Yorkshire and Humber AHSN
Georgina Endfield / APVC for Research and Impact in Humanities and Social Sciences / University of Liverpool @Weather_Extreme
Gillian Southgate / health research @GillianSouthga1
Hannah Davies / Head of Public and External Affairs / Northern Health Science Alliance @PRJournoHannahD
Hazel Roddam / Researcher in Allied Health @HazelRoddam1
Heather Rice / Assistant Director of Research / Rotherham Doncaster & South Humber Foundation Trust @Heather_Rice3
Prof Heidi Christensen / Department of Computer Science / University of Sheffield @christensendkuk
Helen Cauldbeck / Unilever research fellow / University of Liverpool @HelenCauldbeck
Helen Cole / Partnerships Manager / The NHSA @TechHelen
Helen Greatorex / CEO / North Lancashire Cab @flippinek
Helen Johnson / Specialist Physiotherapist / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Helen Stalford / Professor of Law, School of Law and Social Justice / University of Liverpool @helenstalford
Hilly M / Director / trundl @hillymhappylife
Imelda Mayor / Paediatric Research Nurse, Neonatal Nurse @ImeldaMayor1
Dr Jackie Dunlop-Grey / Founder / The Carents Room @Carents_Room
Dr Jackie Kindell / Head of Allied Health Professionals & Social Workers / Pennine Care NHS FT @DrJaKindell
Prof Jacky Smith / Director / NIHR Manchester CRF
Dr Jade Thai / Programme Manager for Neuroscience and Mental Health / Liverpool Health Partners
Jane McDermott / University of Manchester @janemcdermott26
Janet Probert / AHSN North East and North Cumbria
Janette Dunkerley / Head of Nursing & Midwifery Research & Innovation / Manchester Foundation Trust @JanetteDunkerl1
Dr Janette Greenhalgh / Senior Research Fellow / Liverpool Reviews and Implementation Group @drjanetteg
Jen Rae / Innovation Programmes / The NP11 @JJenRae
Jennie Smith / PPIE and Communications Co-Lead / NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre
Jennifer Kilcoyne / Mersey Care NHS FT
Jennifer Logue / Professor of Metabolic Medicine | Assoc Dean for Research / Lancaster University FHM @jen_logue
Dr Jenny Davidson / Executive MBA Programme Director / Newcastle University
Dr Jess Grundy / Academic Lead for Staff Development / Medical Education at The University of Manchester @DrJessGrundy
Jo Collins @Jo_CCollins
Jo Rycroft-Malone / Executive Dean of Health & Medicine / Lancaster University @jorycroftmalone
Joan Chang / PostDoc / Kadler lab University of Manchester @tranejoan
Joanna Ferguson / Comms and PCIE Coordinator / NIHR ARC GM @JoannaARC_GM
Joanne Henry / Children’s Nurse & Team Lead Research Nurse / NIHR CRN: Greater Manchester @joannehenry11
Jois Stanfield / MMU
Joy Adamson / University of York @joyadamson_ytu
Julie Nicholson / MD / Digital Voice for Communities
Juliet Goldbart / Professor of Developmental Disabilities / Manchester Metropolitan University @JulietGMcr
Karen Bloor / Health Economist / University of York @KBloor
Karen Broadhurst/ Professor of Sociology / Lancaster University @KarenB_LU
Karen French / Head of Operations / NIHR Sheffield CRF @KareneFrench67
Karen Partington / Chief Executive / Lancashire Teaching Hospitals @PartingtonKaren
Karen Sage / Professor for Applied Clinical Research @KarenSage15
Karina Lovell @karina_lovell
Karina Nielsen / Professor, Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield University Management School / University of Sheffield @KarinaMNielsen
Kat Dutton / Business Development Manager / NIHR CRN Greater Manchester @dutton_kat
Kate Jones / Head of Research Development & Delivery / Liverpool Uni Faculty of Health & Life Sciences @katevjones
Kate Mason / Postdoc Research Associate / University of Liverpool, Dept of Public Health, Policy & Systems @ke_mason
Kate Pickett / Professor of Epidemiology / Department of Health Sciences at the University of York @ProfKEPickett
Kath Mackay / Director of Life Sciences / Bruntwood SciTech @kath_mackay
Katherine / Research for the Future @Research_Future
Katherine Ashby / Admin Team Lead / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Katherine Boylan / Head of Innovation / MFT Research and Innovation @hugbub
Kathy Scott / D/CEO / Yorkshire and Humber AHSN @KathyScott_535
Katie / R&I Manager: Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust @KatieDoyle1982
Dr Katy Roscoe / Historian / Liverpool Uni Faculty of Health & Life Sciences @KatyARoscoe
Kris Subramaniam / Tenure Track Fellow / Liverpool University Institute of Infection, Veterinary & Ecological Sciences @KrisSubrama
L Hope @LHope82957417
Laura Harkness – Brennan / Associate Pro Vice Chancellor / Research & Impact FSE Liverpool Uni @LauraHBPhysics
Lauren Gledhill / Research facilitator / CRN:GM @L_f_gledhill91
Leanne Rowell / Innovation Partnership Facilitator and Project Manager / South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Leanne Trick / University of Durham
Lesley McShane / Information Manager / Newcastle Joint Research Office @LesleyMcShane
Lily Mott @_raviolily
Lina Gega / University of York
Lisa Miles / Operations Manager / NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre @Lisa_M_Miles
Liz / Programme Manager / Devices for Dignity MIC @Pryde1978
Liz Mear / NED / NHS HEE @MearLiz
Liz Towns – Andrews/ 3M Professor of Innovation/ Huddersfield Uni @townsandrews
Lorna Green / The Innovation Agency @LornaGreenNWC
Louisa Shilton / Research and Innovation Development Manager in Applied Health and Social Care / University of York @DrLouisaShilton
Louise Harrison / Lead nurse for R&I / Salford NHS Trust @LouHar71
Louise Kenny / Board Member / The NHSA @louiseckenny
Louise Woodhead / Team Lead Research Nurse / NIHR CRN Greater Manchester @LouiseWoodhead6
Lucy Mort / Research / IPPR @Lucyhbmort
Lynn Froggett / UCLan
Lynn Perry MBE / Acting CEO / Barnardo’s @lynnanneperry
Lynne Corner / Director / VOICE- UK National Innovation for Ageing @Lynne_Corner
Magda Kujawa / Consultant Urologist / Stockport NHS FT @kujawa_magda
Mandy Dixon / Head of Corporate Engagement / The NHSA @mandydixon100
Mandy Ridyard / Finance Director/ Space Hub Yorkshire @mandyridyard
Dr Marie Phelan / Shared Research Facility Manager / NMR Centre Liverpool Uni @LivUniNMR
Dr Mary Gee / Clinical Research Fellow / St. Mary’s Manchester
Mary Speake / NHS nurse / Manchester @Mogsymoo
MFT Chief Pharmacist / Group Chief Pharmacist / Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @MFT_Chief_Pharm
Mhairi Anderson / QA and Development Manager / Newcastle Joint Research Office @MhairiAnderson4
Mhairi Murdoch / Visits and Events Officer / NHSA
Michelle Stephens / Head of R&I / East Lancs @Mstephens26189
Michelle / Kirklees Democracy
Prof Mini Singh / Professor of Medical Education and Consultant Dermatologist / University of Manchester @drminisingh
Monica Latif @MonicaLatif1
Morag Burton / Chief Operating Officer / NIHR CRN North East and North Cumbria @morag_burton
Natalie Garratt / Head of Innovation / NCA Innovation @GarrattNatalie
Nic Wilson / DCEO, COO / Liverpool Health Partners @NicWils68
Prof Dame Nicky Cullum / Director / NIHR ARC Greater Manchester @nicolacullum
Nicky Schofield/ Head of Research Development and Delivery / Liverpool Uni Humanities and Social Sciences @NickySchofield2
Nicky Timmis / Health Innovation Manchester @NickyTimmis
Nicola Beesley / Lecturer / University of Chester @njbeesley
Dr Nicola Headlam / Chief Economist and Head of Public Sector / Red Flag Alert @notworknicola
Nicola Heslehurst / Early Life Researcher and Innovator / Newcastle University @NHeslehurst
Nicola Hutchinson / Chief Executive / the Academic Health Science Network North East North Cumbria @NicolaWesley
Professor Nicola Lowe / Prof. of Nutritional Sciences / UCLan @NicolaLoweZinc
Niina Kolehmainen / Allied Health Scientist / Newcastle University @niinamk
Paula Leslie / Specialist Speech & Language Therapist / Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust @profpleslie
Pauline Whelan / CAMHS.Digital, Health eResearch, CFHealthHub, Greater Manchester Mental Health & University of Manchester @_PaulineWhelan
Philippa Hedley-Takhar / Programme Manager / P4SY @piphedley
Phillipa Bird / PHD Student / University of York @phillipabird
Phillippa Rickard / Marine Biogeochemist / Sciences at Newcastle University @philipparickard
Priya / Sheffield @Pryia7
Rachel Churchill / Prof Evidence Synthesis, Mental Health Epidemiology / University of York @ChurchillRachel
Rachel Cox / Policy and Engagement Manager / Vitae News @RachelVitae1
Rachel Curwen / Research and Enterprise Directorate / University of York @rachel_curwen
Rachel Horne / Visual Artist/Writer/Activist/Co-founder / Doncopolitan @rachelhorne
Rachel Joynes / Director Research Infrastructure and Education / Liverpool Health Partners @research_ramble
Rachel Moser / South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT
Dr Rebecca Clark / Layton Medical @DrRebeccaClark
Rebecca Deegan / Founder / I have a voice @BexD1987
Dr Rebee Penrice-Randal / Post-doc / University of Liverpool HLS @RebeeLou
Rojy / Nurse Manager, Collaborative Surgery Research, MFT @Rojysantosh1
Rosie Lockwood / works for a think-tank @Rosie_Lockwood
Ruth Lawson / Health Comms Manager / The NHSA @Ruth_LawsonPR
Ruth Norris / Head of Digital Strategy / Partnerships for NIHR Manchester BRC @ruthlady
Sabrina Eltringham / Speech and Language Therapist / The Stroke Association @SabrinaEltringh
Sada Ashraf / PostDoc / Aberdeen Centre for Arthritis & Musculoskeletal Health @SadafAshraf15
Sally Fowler Davis / Sheffield Hallam University @SFowlerdavis
Sally-Anne Bonney @es_bonney
Salma Yasmeen / South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT @SalmaYasmeen_1
Sam / Research Team Lead Manager / NIHR GM @sam18081070
Sandra Bucci / NIHR Research Professor and Clinical Psychologist / University of Manchester @sbucci76
Sandy / Research Manager / NWAS Research & Development @NWAmb_Research
Dr Saneeya Qureshi / Head / Liverpool Uni Research Staff @SaneeyaQ
Dr Sarah Arrowsmith / Lecturer / MMU Centre for Bioscience @DrSArrowsmith
Sara Bennett / Senior Clinical Research Nurse / Stockport NHS Foundation Trust @Sazmo4
Sarah Cooper / Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Sarah Daniel / works in Mental Health Research Team / Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust @SarahDaniel21
Sarah Doherty-Fallon / Greater Manchester’s Chief Operating Officer / NIHR CRN @Sarah_L_Fallon
Sarah Gibson / Consultant Biomedical Scientist / Newcastle Hospitals @mrssgibson
Sarah Hill / Project Support Officer / Northern Health Science Alliance Ltd (NHSA) @SarahHillNHSA
Sarah Jackson / Director of Research Partnerships & Innovation / University of Liverpool Research @Sarah_Jackson
Sarah Langridge / NIHR Biomedical Research Centre – Project Coordinator / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Sarah Leigh Nicholson / Cellular Pathology Laboratory Manager / NUTH Integrated Laboratory Medicine @LeighNic
Sarah Longlands / Chief Executive / (CLES) Centre for Local Economic Strategies @sarahlonglands
Sarah Scally / International Project Manager/ The NHSA @sarahscally1
Sarah Wright-Fletcher / Head of Programmes (Deputy Director) / Liverpool Health Partners
Sasi Neelamekam / Quality Lead / NIHR Manchester CRF @SasiNeelamekam
Seema Chauhan / Head / LHP SPARK @SeemaCh84889291
Selina / Pain Specialist Physiotherapist, CRPS Researcher and PhD student @sillyeena
Seonaid Beddows @BeddowsSeonaid
Sharon Morrison / NIHR CRN GM @knutsfordsharon
Shirley Cocks / Cancer Research Nurse @shirley_cocks
Shirley Hannan / Strategy, Planning and Performance Manager / The University of Manchester @ShirleyHannan
Shona Haining / NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit @haining_s
Dr Shona Moore / Deputy Co Chair / University of Liverpool Research Staff Association @ShonaCMoore
Simone Rowlands / Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist Nurse / South Tyneside & Sunderland Foundation Trust @RowlandsSimone
Smeeta Sinha / Consultant Nephrologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer / Salford Royal NHS – University of Manchester @SmeetaSinha
Sonja Vujovic / Head of Consultancy & Innovation / UoL Research @Sonja_Vujovic
Dr Sophie H Jones / Post-doctoral Research Associate / University of Liverpool @sophiehjones1
Dr Sophie Wickham / Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in Public Health / Department of Public Health and Policy – University of Liverpool @SL_Wickham
Stephanie Li / Project Manager and Clinical Trials Manager / MFT Research and Innovation @Stephanieli01
Subha Thiyagesh / South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT
Sue Barton / South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT @barnsleybart
Sue Wood / NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester @SueWoodARCGM
Susan Neeson / Research Delivery Manager / Greater Manchester CRN @susanneeson
Suzanne Robinson / Exec Director of Finance & IM&T / Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust @suzanneFINANCE
Suzie Ali-Hassan / Deputy Director, Commercial & Innovation / UCLPartners @SuzieAliHassan
Tahereh Nematiaramn / Postdoc / Materials Innovation Factory @nematiaram
Teresa Jennings / CEO / n-compass @Teresancompass
Tina Lewis / Research Strategy, Planning & Performance Officer / UoL Faculty of Health & Life Sciences @tinalewis0
Tracey Walker / Yorkshire and Humber AHSN
Ursula Pool / Research Fellow / UCLan @DrUrsulaPool
Vanessa Nolan / Office Manager / Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA)
Vitalanfranchi @vitalanfranchi
Wendy Baird / Professor in School of Health and Related Research / University of Sheffield @baird_wo
Wendy Tindale / Professor of Medical Physics @WendyT_99