If the UK is to make a low carbon recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, then it’s essential that we reuse more materials and renovate existing...

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The N8 Research universities continue to playing a key role in the regional and international fight against COVID-19. As the pandemic continues, scientists, staff and students...

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A blog by Annette Bramley - Director of the N8 Research Partnership Steven Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote, “Most people are...

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The N8 Research Partnership is pleased to become a partner affiliate to the National Technician Development Centre. Located at the University of Sheffield, the NTDC provides...

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Scientists and researchers across the N8 Research Partnership have joined the fight to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and future pandemics.   The N8 universities...

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The EPSRC Energy Programme funded DecarboN8 Network Plus announced its first Funding Call at the end of last year. Applications were encouraged for activities such...

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Today on International Women’s Day the NHSA and N8 Research Partnership are celebrating inspirational women making their mark on the world of innovation. We’ve partnered up...

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Discarded mattresses that currently end up in landfill could be used to grow food for refugees in desert environments around the world, according to scientists...

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11th February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – an idea generated during the inaugural High-Level World Women’s Health and...

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