Watch: The N8 and National Parks webinar exploring the role of nature-based solutions in helping the North contribute towards the UK's net zero goal. Thank you...

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The N8 Research Partnership has joined forces with the Northern Powerhouse Partnership to submit a representation to the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review.

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On Net Zero


The University of Manchester's publication On Net Zero offers policy recommendations on how the UK can best meet its 2050...

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From 21st-25th September, the N8 Research Partnership celebrated ‘National Postdoc Appreciation Week’. This national event is an opportunity for universities to recognise and thank our postdoctoral...

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Ahead of the Liverpool Fashion Summit, Oliver Kennedy explains what the event will hold and why it’s a vital event for all those interested in...

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The EPSRC Energy Programme funded DecarboN8 Network Plus announce its second Funding Call in May 2020. The COVID-19 lockdown created unprecedented conditions favourable to radical experimentation...

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N8 Director Dr Annette Bramley responds to today's ‘Plan for Jobs’ announcement from government - to spur the UK’s recovery from the Coronavirus outbreak. The...

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The N8 Research Partnership welcomes the UK government's R&D Roadmap, announced on 1st July, setting out the UK’s vision and ambition for science, research and...

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The N8 Research Partnership and the National Technician Development Centre launched a Twitter campaign this month celebrating our fantastic #N8Technicians. We wanted to give a platform...

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