On behalf of the N8, the University of Leeds and the University of Manchester are hosting this year’s RCUK GCRF regional events in Leeds on 19th September and in Manchester on the 29th September.
The Leeds event on the 19th will be held in the Radisson Blu Hotel and the whole day event will cover detailed information on GCRF and ODA compliance and it will also include a networking lunch.
Speakers from RCUK will be available for questions on the day and experienced GCRF project leads will present learning points and challenges.
The event provides a great opportunity to discuss projects currently under development and also to start collaborations for the next round of calls.
The Manchester event will be held in the Barnes Wallis Building at the University of Manchester Sackville Street Campus. Speakers from RCUK will be available to provide information on GCRF strategy, ODA compliance and details on current and upcoming opportunities. Academic colleagues who have been successful in obtaining GCRF funding will also provide an insight into the opportunities and challenges associated with collaborations in low and middle income countries.
To register for the Leeds event at the Radisson Blu, click HERE
To register for the MAnchester event at the University of Manchester , click HERE