About the Observatory
Following the publication of the UK Research People and Culture Strategy in 2021, the UK Science and Innovation Network and the N8 Research Partnership have been working together to identify opportunities to share research culture learning and practices between the Western Europe region and the North of England.
This Observatory was proposed by the delegate at a workshop in March 2023 as a means of continuing to exchange good practice and learning on research culture.
The partners in the observatory would like to see a research culture in Western Europe and the UK, that in 5 years’ time:
- embeds common values and principles and is open and inclusive in its funding schemes, imapct routes, researcher profiles, career trajectories and international networks
- is oen to sharing about research and innovation practice, explicitly acknowledging challenges
This is so that we can have a:
- more original, productive, transformative, collaborative, and impactful research and innovation system
- can attract talented people and enable them to flourish