N8, the Northern Research Powerhouse
In 2014/15 the N8 universities attracted research income of £1.26 billion – made up of £309 million from HEFCE, and £954 million in
research grants and contracts from research councils, research charities, industry and other sources.
The £1.26 billion of research income in 2014/15 for N8 universities compares to £173 million in total across the other 23 North of
England HEIs. So N8 universities are responsible for winning 88 % of all Northern HE research income.
Competitively-won research income can be seen as a good indicator of universities’ research strength. For the N8 universities,
research income forms 31% of total income, compared to UK university average of 24%. All N8 universities feature in the UK’s top 30
universities for research power (REF 2014).
UK Based Charities
R&D Tax Credits
13.5% 7.5%
UK Industry & Public Corporations
EU Government Funding
7.1% 11.5%
EU Industry & Charities
Non EU Industry
1.8% 1.6%
Non EU Charities
1.7% 0.6%
UK Research Councils
UK Local & Health Authorities
34.3% 20.4%