N8 universities are closely identified with their
host cities and play a vital role in supporting
and regenerating the regional economy.
Whereas other industries may relocate, and
government regional policies and industrial
strategies may change, the N8 universities
remain anchors in their communities -
providing a core of economic stability,
employment and continuity even as other
industries may grow or contract around them.
Innovation - the translation of novel ideas and knowledge into
commercial and societal benefit - is at the heart of how we
generate economic impact from our research. N8 universities
have a strong track record of innovation.
N8 universities convert their world-class research expertise and
breakthrough technologies into new and growing businesses.
Since 2010, N8 universities have generated more than 1,000
patents and 230 companies and social enterprises, in addition
to more than 350 student start-ups. Nine of those companies
are valued at over £1 million and two listed on the AIM. This
pipeline of new companies is vital if we want to grow a Northern
economy based on innovation, high-skills and high-growth
companies. Promoting and supporting our entrepreneurs,
researchers and students to develop and grow their ideas
brings economic benefit across the region, for example:
Durham University established Kromek, listed on the AIM,
that has created over 100 jobs in the UK and at two sites in
the US, and Applied Graphene Materials has created over 40
high-tech jobs in the North East.
Lancaster University developed a novel process for
application of jasmonates to crop seeds rather than leaves.
Following licensing to BASF and further development of the
technology it is now used globally. For example, in the US for
soybean crops, it has been used on over 2.5 million hectares
of fields resulting in an increased yield and value at the farm
gate of approximately $60 million p.a.
Delivering innovation for industrial success
N8 universities contribute to the Northern innovation economy by:
Developing the
next generation
of business
Creating new
Innovating to grow
existing businesses
Establishing research
hubs that support key
industrial sectors